Title: “You have a fear of skating… don’t you?”
Rating: PG
Fandoms Crossed: Dancing on Ice/ Strictly Come Dancing.
Pairings/Characters: Erin/Mel
Seasons/Spoilers: N/A
Warnings/Disclaimers: N/A other than these people aren’t mine and this most likely never happened.
Summary: Erin learns to skate.
Author's Notes:N/A
When the chance came for Erin to take a chance and learn a lot about skating. She had agreed, a little timidly. Her assigned skating partner was Mel Lambert, a small and cheeky brunette who seemed to love skating.
Their first skating lesson had been a little shaky with Erin trying hard to stay upright. After Erin’s ninth fall they had taken a break. Mel broke the silence after a little while.
“You have a fear of skating don’t you?”
“Yeah, you could say that…”
“So why say yes to skating lessons?”
“I’d regret not even trying… even if it was a bad idea…”
“You’ll be fine once you decide to relax.”