Mar 26, 2006 00:14
First Rule-DON'T PANIC
Yeah, sometimes i randomly post things from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Like it or else i'll get majorly improbable at you.
Mar 11, 2006 09:19
There can be only one Highlander. Sadly, the spot is already taken by Chuck Norris.
Mar 04, 2006 06:27
I must concede to one John Peruso that Monk is a pretty interesting job. But i also state that i still prefer warrior.
Of course, it dosnt help that i have roughly 800 gil now. Well, my crystals and ores will sell, so meh.
Also, mithkabobs are gods gift to Vana'diel.
Feb 26, 2006 12:08
On my last entry, i meant that if you were reading it and getting a bunch of ancient entries, you needed to add me to your LJ friends list to see the new ones. I do it about every day.
Feb 24, 2006 19:07
Ah, the Tarutaru. Those loveable little midget bastards. New avatar.
Sick day today. In retrospect, glad i held out all week. My parents just let me stay home without a stuggle. A whole weekend to do Scotts homework and study for Leones test. Or not. Most likely not.
I have nothing intresting at all to say.