Steve's home! And Danny is burning down his house? Wow, he trashed the house! Bad Danny, being a slob.
"You have aneurism face, why?"
"What happened to my house?!"
"Oh, this. Okay, well this is going to be clean. You see, I have a very intricate pile system going here."
"You have a pile system? Do me a favor, remind me of your pile system the next time I ask you to house sit, okay?"
And Danny let the dog sleep in Steve's bed. Instead of on the couch with him. Oh, this is great.
Steve, eat a cheeseburger or three soon, please? Maybe a couple of pizzas. I'm just, your face. That's all I'm saying.
"Anyone want to reconsider my time travel hypothesis?" Ha, Max.
"Danny, you ever need any advice on relationships, my door's always open."
"Oh good. Well you go ahead and keep that door closed, but thank you." Hahaha. So much love.
I'm amused that Steve has to be with Danny when he goes to see Gabby. Lookit Steve and his jealous face, even though he just got back from being off with Cath. You're ridiculous, Steven.
"So what was that all about?"
"What was what all about?"
"Well, I know Grace wasn't sick last weekend."
"Uh, yes, she was. Are you calling me a liar?"
"Yeah. I mean, you do a thing when you lie."
"I do a thing? What thing do I do?"
"You're doing it now."
"You mean, sitting here having a conversation? That thing?"
"You're squinting. You squint." STEVE YOUR FACE.
"OHH, I'm a squinter."
"Okay, well, if you haven't noticed the sun is blasting me in my face all the time--"
"See, where I come from, they got a break from that sort of torture. They are called clouds. Weather. Here, we don't have that so much."
"Right. See, now you're avoiding."
"You're never happy."
"I'm happy when I'm not around you."
"That's a lie, too, you love me."
"What happens if you shut up and let me run my own camp?"
Oh god, Steve has something in the trunk. What is in the trunk, Steven? TEAR GAS. Steve is whistling, all, "I've got this."
"What's he doing?"
"Undoubtedly something insane."
"Very subtle, buddy! I mean, who would've thought a tear gas grenade down the skylight? Oh yeah, YOU."
And now we get pretty boys in the interrogation room.
"There's no deal! What, there's gotta be a deal because I invite my friends to dinner?"
"You never invite your friends anywhere."
"Incorrect, I just did."
"...Okay. Is Gabby going?" Steve, your jealousy is showing.
"Okay, now you're making a deal out of it. You're doing it. Stop. Alright? Just show up at dinner, please."
"I would love to come to dinner."
"Thank you!"
Heyyy Professor Laskey. You're getting old, man, but still looking good.
Okay, wait. Did they seriously just get this dude's finger print off of a video like that? Because he touched the lens? That really can't be possible, can it?
Wow, look at Danny diving in to save the suspect! Voluntarily! Lookit Steve's amused, proud face.
"Book 'em, Danno."
"Book me a towel."
I like the shirt Danny changed in to. Very nice. Looks silky-ish. Yum.
That last scene with the dinner and the drinking. I am just. FLAPPY HANDS. And of course, OF COURSE they would cut back to Steve watching Danny out on the beach with Gracie and Gabby, and that just. MY HEART OKAY. He's smiling, but it still aches. Gah.