This issue covers April 8-10 in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!
Multiple Crossovers Stories only listed once
milady_dragon wrote
"A Mother’s Life, 1-2/?" | PG-13 | Torchwood/Marvel Comics/Merlin | Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Anwyn Harkness-Jones/Gwaine, Phil Coulson/Clint Barton, Arthur/Merlin, Rowena Harkess-Jones/Henry Morgan, Other Pairings
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
Joshua_Preston wrote
"Sunnydale Gets Axed" | Teen | Buffy/Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
lionheartedgirl wrote
"Quiet Like You (Violent Like You)" | G | Angel/Person of Interest
briony8869 wrote
"Your Face Is Gonna Make Me Weep, 1/3" | Teen | Angel/Supernatural
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
realsg1 wrote
"River and the Witch" | NR | Buffy/Firefly
realsg1 wrote
"Buffy and the Prince" | NR | Buffy/The Knight’s Tale
killing_kurare wrote
"You Have to Believe" | G | Buffy/The Craft
Joshua_Preston wrote
"Sunnydale Gets Axed" | Teen | Buffy/Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
Grundy wrote
"The Fellowship of Some Other Thing, 1-3/?" | Teen | Buffy/Lord of the Rings | Tara/Willow, Xander/Anya
madimpossibledreamer wrote
"Laws of Relativity" | G | Buffy/Iron Man
madimpossibledreamer wrote
"Anatomy of an Armor series" | G | Buffy/Iron Man
The Craft
killing_kurare wrote
"You Have to Believe" | G | Buffy/The Craft
Fast and Furious
jedibuttercup wrote
"An Energy Like No Other, 4-5/5" | PG-13 | Fast and Furious/Transformers
realsg1 wrote
"River and the Witch" | NR | Buffy/Firefly
Iron Man
madimpossibledreamer wrote
"Laws of Relativity" | G | Buffy/Iron Man
madimpossibledreamer wrote
"Anatomy of an Armor series" | G | Buffy/Iron Man
The Knight’s Tale
realsg1 wrote
"Buffy and the Prince" | NR | Buffy/The Knight’s Tale
The Lord of the Rings
Grundy wrote
"The Fellowship of Some Other Thing, 1-3/?" | Teen | Buffy/Lord of the Rings | Tara/Willow, Xander/Anya
Person of Interest
lionheartedgirl wrote
"Quiet Like You (Violent Like You)" | G | Angel/Person of Interest
briony8869 wrote
"Your Face Is Gonna Make Me Weep, 1/3" | Teen | Angel/Supernatural
jedibuttercup wrote
"An Energy Like No Other, 4-5/5" | PG-13 | Fast and Furious/Transformers
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,