Title: The Angel and the Antichrist
Author: LittleMissMercy
Fandom: Charmed/Good Omens
Characters: Paige Matthews/Adam Young
Prompt: - 088 He
Word Count: 910
Rating: G
Disclaimer - Not mine :(
My Prompt Table Adam sat on the couch as he waited for Paige to return from the kitchen where she was fixing them drinks, he settled back against the cushions comfortably smiling when he heard her sisters join her. He liked that she had a family, she’d told him how lonely he’d been before she’d met them and he was glad he’s finally found them, it was about time.
“Sweetie, we need to talk to you for a minute, upstairs,” Piper said clearly a little worried, not that that state was particularly unusual for her. Paige raised an eyebrow as she smashed a few of the larger pieces of ice up and dropped them into the jug.
“Can it wait ‘til Adam’s gone? I was kinda hoping we might get to spend a little time together, you know while it’s quiet.” she asked.
Both sisters shook their heads, “it has to be now,” before it’s too late Phoebe added mentally. Paige nodded and followed her sisters out of the kitchen and up the stairs, through the living room where Adam was currently flicking through all the cable channels.
Once in the attic Piper quickly went over to the Book of Shadows and flicked through the pages until she found the one she was looking for and gestured for Paige to join her. She looked at the page and raised an eyebrow at her sister, “The Antichrist?” she said somewhat confused, “Yeah this is great Piper I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for him okay, now can I get back to my date please? It’s not like I actually get to have them that often!” she pointed out.
Piper sighed and put her arm around her youngest sister, “Paige, look at the picture” she instructed quietly.
Paige nodded and did as she was told, then her usually cheery demeanour slipped significantly, “It’s a coincidence.” she protested as she starred at the drawing of the man, the man that looked a lot like Adam.
Downstairs Adam became aware there was something bad happening upstairs and shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore it, at least until he heard crying or sensed an attempt about to be made on his life, he just continued to flick channels and waited.
He didn’t have to wait long before Paige stormed down the stairs, her sisters close on her heels.
“I don’t want to hear it Piper!” she said as she quickly picked her coat up from the chair and stood in front of Adam, “we have to leave.” she said simply casting a hurt look at her sisters.
Adam nodded and stood taking Paige’s hand before turning to the others, “I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not like that.” he said sadly as he squeezed her hand.
“If anything happens to our sister we will kill you.” Piper warned him.
Paige glared, she was the first one that had realised Cole had turned evil again, she’d know if the man she was dating was the same. Putting her arms tightly around him she whispered in his ear, “just say where you want to go.”
“Tadfield,” he replied, “um Lower Tadfield“
She nodded and a moment later they were gone.
Paige looked around the small village they’d appeared in and stepped away from Adam. “I think maybe we need to talk,” she said a little angrily now that she didn’t have to worry about her sisters saying ‘I told you so.’
“It’s not how your book makes out.” he replied.
“How do you know about the book?” she asked, taking another step back.
He shrugged, “I don’t know I just do.” he admitted.
Paige closed her eyes, this wasn’t happening, first she’d fallen for a guy that turned out to be married with children and now this, the antichrist the actual son of Satan. This really wasn’t what she signed up for when she’d become a Charmed One. Finally she opened them and looked at him. “So it’s true? You’re the Antichrist?” she asked, shocked.
Adam nodded slowly, “It’s not as bad as it sounds, I don’t think I’ve even been to Hell.” he said.
“Lucky you!” she snapped, before regaining some of her confidence and stepping a little closer. “So how is it exactly?”
“I’m the son of Satan, but he didn’t raise me, I was raised here, by normal parents, I had the same chance of becoming evil as you did. You believe me right? I’ve never tried to hurt you or anything have I?”
Paige shook her head, “the clever demons are cleverer than that, they get under our skin, make us fall in love with them and have their icky demonic spawn.” she replied.
Adam couldn’t help but smile at the way she put it and the words she’d said. “I’m making you fall in love with me?” he asked moving nearer to her.
Paige frowned and bit her lip, “That’s not what I said, I just said that’s what demons do.”
“You implied it.” he said kissing her softly. She returned the kiss before she remembered she was trying to get information from him. Finally she pulled away and looked up at him, “whatever, my point is just because you haven’t tried to kill me doesn’t mean you aren’t evil, it just means you’re smart.”
Adam grinned, “so you think I’m smart?” he asked.
“Well the Antichrist isn’t going to be dumb now is he? It sort of defeats the purpose.”