Paige Matthews Prompt word Colorless

Jan 23, 2006 10:18

Prompt- #020 Colorless
Claim- Paige Matthews
PairingPaige/Lucius Malfoy
FandomsCharmed/Harry Potter
Rating- PG
Word Count- 666
my prompt table

Paige sat behind her desk at Hogwarts and sighed, why she’d taken the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher she’d never know. She’d heard all the stories about what had happened to the others and still she’d taken it, mainly because Leo had thought it would be a good thing for her to do, teach the next generation of witches and wizards to use their powers. She’d agreed, at least it would give her a little independence.

So here she was in her classroom surrounded by all sorts of dusty jars and drawings of various nasty creatures that despite her job she didn’t like to look at very often. Waiting for the parents to come to see her about their children’s progress this term. Everything had gone well so far, until a slightly snooty man strode into the room with a sneer.
“Miss Matthews,” he said sitting opposite her before pointing his wand at the door as she heard it slam and lock.
Paige smiled up at the man with hair so blond it was almost translucent , “why so formal Lucius?” she asked closing her book. “the door’s locked and I’m sure you’ve taken care of anything that might get you into trouble.”
He raised an eyebrow to her, “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re referring to Miss Matthews, I’m here about Draco,” he said before leaning in to kiss her.
Paige grinned against his lips before pulling away slightly, “Yes of course Mr Malfoy I’m sorry and there was me hoping you’d locked the door to my office for, extra curricular activities,” she replied with a smirk before looking down at her notes. Keeping up appearances, it was what Lucius seemed to want most of time, he was just a parent visiting his son’s teacher, not a man having an affair. Paige’s job had provided them with the perfect story really, she’d not known that at the time of course.
Lucius carefully smoothed down his hair and straighten his robes, “I expect he’s being rather a handful” he said, “I expect you’ll need to see me more often to discuss his progress.”
Paige nodded and looked up at him, “You don’t think Narcissa will want to know how he’s doing?” she asked, the smile now gone from her face.
Lucius let out a mirthless laugh, “Paige, my dear, she has much more important things to concern herself with, I assure you she’ll let me handle this.”
Paige smiled slightly then and kissed him again softly, “she’d kill me if she ever found out wouldn’t she?” she asked then considered what she’d said for a moment, “or she’d try at least.”
He nodded and held her close pushing her hair away from her face and looking her in the eyes, “that’s more like it, I thought you were doubting your powers for a moment, I was about to become concerned.”
She smiled and rested her head against his shoulder, “You really have faith in me don’t you?” she asked. It wasn’t that she didn’t have faith in herself, but without her sisters and Leo any nagging doubts that she’d normally just shrug off would stay and get bigger and bigger until she’d have to find Severus and prove herself to be a Charmed One still.
“You, my dear, are one of the most powerful witches I’ve ever met, and still so young too,” he paused and stroked her cheek softly, “and so beautiful,” he whispered into her ear.
She bit her lip and blushed a little, “I still have a lot to learn from you though Lucius,” she replied, not moving away from him.
He nodded, “that’s true my dear, but you’ve proved yourself to be a more than willing student, my master is most pleased with you, he sees brilliant things in your future.” he told her so he pulled open her robes, ”you will be the most powerful of all the Charmed Ones, you mark my words,”

charmed, harry potter

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