So my friends
mallornleaf and
martydressler asked me to email Stephane's agent, Marc Lindegger, and ask for a good address to mail letters or presents.
This is what I wrote:
Dear Marc,
Greetings from the United States. I hope you are well and prepared for the holidays.
Some members of my Lambiel fangroup asked me to contact you for a mailing address for Stéphane. Could you please tell me if the address on his official website is a current mailing address for letters or special packages from his fans? The address is :
Fan's Club Stéphane Lambiel
Case postale 85
CH - 1907 Saxon
If the above address is not OK, could you please suggest a different one?
Thank you for your time and attention once again.
P.S. The 2011 Art on Ice cast is unbelievable. Lucky Swiss skating fans!
Hi Marni
All fine, but holidays - forget it... We’re very, very busy preparing Art on Ice, so I hope to have at least off at Christmas…
Stéphs address is okay.
Have a good time
I just thought I would pass this on :DDD
In other news, on twitter someone linked to an anonymous, mysterious, unfriendly figure skating forum called lol skating which I briefly looked at. The only thing of interest to me were some really huge screencaps from the KOI documentary. Obviously whoever made them enjoys the Stephane/Johnny friendship.