Player Name: Pura
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purapeaE-mail: puratiger[AT]
AIM: PuraTigerz
Other characters currently in-game: None!
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ormery Character Name: Tommy Shepherd / Speed
Canon source: Young Avengers (Marvel 616)
Personality: > The term ‘Superhero’ has to be used somewhat cautiously on Speed. He’s one of those lovely people in the grey area of good vs bad and could easily be a supervillian as much as he could be a superhero. Above all things, Tommy is an asshole. He enjoys messing around and irritating and takes a lot of pleasure in hitting the right buttons to make people squirm in annoyance. Because he is a speedster, no matter what he says he can always have a fast getaway. He doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions and thinks he can get away with a lot more than he really can. Because of this, he is extremely cocky. Tommy is also rather blunt, and will say what he thinks. For example, if Tommy doesn’t like you he will make it as clear as day. He’s not afraid to call you an idiot. He is incredibly flirtatious, usually with anything with breasts and a pretty face and is crushing hard on his teammate Hawkeye, which he usually covers with his cocky, flirtatious attitude.
Tommy can also be quite pessimistic at times, tending not to believe things people tell him off the bat, and he has been known to have cruel and cynical thoughts. He is rather selfish, which comes with his superpower, tending to put self-preservation as a top priority over other people’s safety.
Another aspect of Tommy’s personality is that he tends to get bored very quickly. This is to do with his superspeed. The way Tommy sees the world is like a line for an ATM. The person in front is a little elderly and cannot see very well, so is taking her time in figuring out which buttons you need to press, and Tommy is already twenty minutes late for something and is getting increasingly more agitated because the elderly lady keeps missing keys and making errors and starting all over again. Think about that feeling, but with every person ever.
He has to be constantly moving - be it twitching or walking around as he’s talking - otherwise he’ll get uncomfortable. Tommy also tends to rush into things without thinking. He tends not to think about the consequences of his actions and seizes what seems like a good idea at the time rather than meticulously planning out his every move. He acts on a spur of the moment attitude, which doesn’t always work out. Speed also has a slight soft spot for kids, especially one called Molly from another group of teenage ‘superheroes’ called the Runaways who thinks he is the bee’s knees, but would deny it if confronted on the subject.
History: has a pretty confusing history like ALL comic book characters, so I can expand upon this if you need me to! And I’m totally happy to as well :D;)
Strengths: As his name suggests, Speed can run really fast. And I mean seriously fast. He can run faster than the speed of sound and he can run across the surface tension of water. He once ran from the eastern seaboard of the USA to Genosha - an island off the east coast of Africa - in almost the same amount of time it took Wiccan to teleport there. Because of his speed, he can easily dodge punches, catch high-speed objects (for example a knife being thrown at him) and almost be in two places at once. He can also generate hyper-kinetic vibrations, which causes the molecules of whatever he’s directing them at to vibrate and then explode. He can also accelerate his own, and other people’s molecules, and shake them to the point where they phase through solid walls.
Deep down, Tommy is actually a good person when it comes to the people he cares about. It’s hidden under all that cockiness and the fact that he’s the ‘team sociopath’ but it’s there, even though it might not be obvious. He’s incredibly loyal to the people who have gained his trust, and considers his team to be his family-the only family he has left now. His time with them has turned him from someone who was nothing more than a delinquent teen, to someone who is a superhero, and actually cares about the people around him. This is especially prominent with Kate and Billy, but though he never would admit it, he does actually appreciate all of them, and gets uncomfortably twitchy if one is missing.
Tommy might not be concerned about doing the right thing all the time, but when it involves the people he cares about he will go out of his way to help them, and if that means fighting the good fight then he’ll be by their side. He doesn’t necessarily feel like he should be doing the right thing and he doesn’t really give a damn about it either, but if it makes his family happy, he’s going to do it.
Weaknesses: Because of his extended incarceration in a juvenile detention centre, which turned out to be an experimentation facility, Tommy is a closet claustrophobic. He would deny it if anyone mentioned it, but dislikes being in places that he cannot run away from. If he doesn’t have the option of control - i.e. he only stays and fights because he chooses to and can run away if things get bad, thus giving him the delusion that he’s in control of his life - he will get very uncomfortable and twitchy. If he is contained, he shows similar behaviour to a caged animal, pacing and being generally restless. Another branch of this is that he doesn’t like anything that limits his movement. Things like constricting physical contact such as extended hugs fall into this category, as well as some types of clothing. Another result that has come from being inside Juvie is that he has a strong distrust and hatred toward doctors and scientists.
Another weakness of his is that Tommy tends to rush into battle without thinking. He tends not to think about the consequences of his actions and seizes what’s a good idea at the time rather than meticulously planning out his every move. He acts on a spur of the moment attitude, which doesn’t always work out.
Preferred drop-in point: Manhattan but I’m not bothered where! I read somewhere that the chip takes about 10-30 seconds to kick in, so Tommy could be in a new location probably before it even registered he left, since he’s a bit faster than teleporting, depending on the location.
What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment? Due to the nature of the character, he could take any number of routes as he makes on the spot decisions. One of the main things he’ll be focusing on though is his team mates, the fact that there’s a version of him that’s a girl (and be disturbed by how attracted he is to her) and generally trying to find a way out. Once he’s together with his world’s Billy whenever one turns up (the other one will weird him out a bit) he’ll be mostly content though. If not bored. He’ll be happy to see Molly at least.