Warm Up the Winter Meme, 2011

Nov 14, 2011 17:13

Don't know what to do with yourself now that The Vampire Diaries is on hiatus? Don't worry, tvdbloodstream won't leave you out in the cold!

(texture created by woolfres)
Please join us at tvdbloodstream for Warm Up the Winter: The Vampire Diaries Hiatus Ship Meme! Also, take a look at our Bloody Good Hiatus Survival Guide, where we cure the hiatus blues in a new way everyday!

tvdbloodstream is a community with a focus on The Vampire Diaries at large: meta, ships, episode discussion, and overall love for what is the most surprising thing to ever come out of The CW vault! We love TVD, and if you do too, we'd love to have your participation in our discussions. We emphasize respect and kindness in our interactions as well as a high level of SQUEE and enthusiasm. Please check out our Welcome Post as well as our Rules & Guidelines and join today! (We are a moderated community, so you must apply for membership.)

This year's table:


Week 1"I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it."2x08 Graphics Fanfiction Week 2"You need to stop doing that."2x13Graphics Week 3"But I love you. You should know that."2x22Graphics Week 4"What changed your mind, E-len-a?"3x02Graphics Week 5"Because I don't want you to be what other people think you are."3x04Graphics Week 6"Can I tell you the rest tomorrow?" "Sure."3x08Graphics Fanfiction Week 7"We'll survive this. We always survive."3x09Graphics

So, yeah, that's my plan. It's subject to change though.

I'm contemplating whether to throw in a Jeremy/Anna "Ghost World"-themed bonus post for Week 6 (as a Christmas present, I guess), but, in truth, all the Jeremy/Anna loveliness this season kind of makes me want to go full-out and give them the entire WUW treatment. That's a frakload of work, though, and I'm not sure that I'm up to it. That would be kind of insane of me, considering I have no self-control and would probably make GIFs, icons, and picspam for them just like I plan to for D/E. It's hard (but fun) enough just doing one couple. So, I've thought about focusing on J/A next winter, but I don't really see how that's going to be any different from focusing on them this winter, since I can't imagine doing a WUW meme without D/E (I mean, that would be blasphemy!). I guess we'll just see how I feel each week after I get my D/E stuff posted.

In other news, my extra userpic package has expired. How annoying! But, even more annoying is having to renew my extra userpic package in-between renewals of my paid account status. So I think I'm just going to tough it out for a week to put all my ducks in a cute, little row.

pair: jeremy/anna, :pat yourself on the back, meme: warm up the winter, :information dump / reference, fandom: the vampire diaries, meme, char: tvd the other people on this show?, char: damon salvatore, :have you seen this?, char: elena gilbert, *public, :where am i? what's happening?, .graphics, pair: damon/elena, char: jeremy gilbert

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