Voting is now CLOSED. Thank you all for your enthusiasm.
The winner is "Khaos Komix" by Tab Kimton (aka Khaoskomix). There are 91 votes where the line scrolls off the page.
Voting is now open for the Webcomic ategory of the Rose and Bay Awards. These awards honor excellence in cyberfunde creativity (aka crowdfunding), and this category recognizes superlative artwork and writing in the field of webcomics which combine visual and textual elements of storytelling. Everyone is encouraged to vote. Please read the complete details below, and then make your vote in the following poll. For more information about this award, visit the
2011 landing page.
What Is the Rose and Bay Award?
The Rose and Bay Award focuses on a growing business model known as "
crowdfunding" or "
cyberfunded creativity," which directly connects creative people and patrons of the arts online. This award recognizes exemplary projects and enthusiastic patrons. It currently features six categories: Art, Fiction, Poetry, Webcomic, Other Project, and Patron. (Other Project includes any cyberfunded creativity that isn't art, fiction, poetry, or webcomic -- or that spans more than one category -- such as movies, music, etc.) The categories and their handlers are listed below:
itew Nomination PostFiction:
eseme Nomination PostPoetry:
xjenavivex Nomination PostWebcomic:
ysabetwordsmith Nomination PostOther Project:
xjenavivex Nomination PostPatron:
xjenavivex Nomination PostThe award period for eligible activities spans January 1-December 31, 2010.
The nomination period spans January 1-January 31, 2011.
The voting period spans February 1-February 28, 2011.
Voting Rules
1) Voters are encouraged (but not required) to browse the nominees before making a final decision; that's what the links are for, and the purpose of this award is to promote the splendor of crowdfunded projects. If you have not already explored the nominees, please refer back to the
Webcomic nomination post.
2) Voting will take place via LiveJournal polling in this community, open to all. Everyone is eligible to vote; if you do not have a LiveJournal account, you may leave a comment below with your full name and your vote. You may cast ONE vote per category. (There may need to be more than one poll question per category, and runoffs, in categories with a high number of nominees.) You may not vote for your own project, nor yourself as a patron; that's tacky.
3) Winners will be announced after the polling is completed.
How You Can Help
As a new award, Rose and Bay depends on your enthusiasm to make it a success. Here are some ways you can help that happen:
1) Cast your vote! Watch for the voting polls to appear for the other projects, and vote in those too.
2) Promote the Rose and Bay Award by blogging about it, emailing your friends, posting it on social networks, or any other method you can imagine. Everyone is encouraged to spread the word as far as possible whether you are a creator, a donor, or a curious bystander. Here is some
art for the Rose and Bay Award.
3) If you're a patron or audience member, link to your favorite nominees and then direct people to the relevant voting pages.
4) If you're a creative person, let your audience know which of your projects have been nominated for a Rose and Bay Award, including a link to the relevant voting page(s). Let your fans know there is a way for them to honor your project and the patrons who make it possible.
Poll Voting for the 2011 Rose and Bay Award: Webcomic