Nominations for the 2017 Rose & Bay Award: Webcomic

Jan 01, 2017 18:06

Nominations are now CLOSED. Vote here.

Nominations are now OPEN for the Webcomic category of the Rose & Bay Award. This award honors excellence in creative crowdfunding, and this category recognizes exceptional artists. It honors all the comics and other sequential art.  It's just called "Webcomics" because most crowdfunded comics use that venue.  Paper comics funded collectively should go here too.  Everyone is encouraged to make nominations and, later, to vote. Icons and banners are available to help spread the word. Please read the complete details below, and then make your nominations in a comment under this post.

Note: A project or person which wins one year is not eligible in the same category for the next year. After that, it is eligible again. In the   Webcomic category, the 2016 winner "Raising Dion" by Dennis Liu is not eligible.

What Is the Rose and Bay Award?

The Rose and Bay Award was launched by ysabetwordsmith (Elizabeth Barrette) in January 2009, and quickly gained additional volunteers. This award focuses on a growing business model known as "crowdfunding" or "cyberfunded creativity," which directly connects creative people and patrons of the arts online. This award recognizes exemplary projects and enthusiastic patrons. It currently features six categories: Art, Fiction, Poetry, Webcomic, Other Project, and Patron.

The award period for eligible activities spans January 1-December 31, 2016.
The nomination period spans January 1-January 31, 2017.
The voting period spans February 1-February 28, 2017.

These are the handlers for the 2017 award season:

Art: ysabetwordsmith Nominate art!  Vote for art!
Fiction: ysabetwordsmith Nominate fiction!  Vote for fiction!
Poetry: ysabetwordsmith Nominate poetry!  Vote for poetry!
Webcomic: ysabetwordsmith Nominate webcomics!  Vote for webcomics!
Other Project: ysabetwordsmith Nominate other projects!  Vote for other projects!
Patron: ysabetwordsmith Nominate patrons!  Vote for patrons!

Award Rules

1) In order for a project to be nominated in the Art, Fiction, Poetry, Webcomic, or Other Project categories:

* It must be "cyberfunded creativity" aka "crowdfunding." That means it must be creative material marketed directly to an audience online, with money involved somehow. There are many variations of this business model; all are welcome; and if you're not sure a project qualifies, you may ask. See "5 Steps to Crowdfunding Success" for a discussion of key features that identify a crowdfunded project.

* At least part of the project must be visible online without charge. If the project is normally visible only to paying subscribers or the like, and the creator wishes for it to be eligible, then s/he may offer temporary or partial access for voting purposes. (If the available material is temporary and/or partial, it needs to say that at the top of the screen, to avoid annoying visitors who might otherwise think they're about to see a complete and permanent piece.)

Note: A project or person which wins one year is not eligible in the same category for the next year. After that, it is eligible again. In the Webcomic category, the 2016 winner "Raising Dion" by Dennis Liu is not eligible.

2) This award will go by calendar years. So in order to be eligible for the 2017 award season, a project or patron must have been active on or between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 20165.

3) For the 2017 season, nominations will be made in comments to each category's nomination post (beginning in January). A nomination consists of the project title, creator name, award category, a link to the project page, and a summary. The summary should include several sentences describing the project's content (theme, characters, plot, etc.), presentation (media, frequency, etc.), and crowdfunding approach (money handling, audience interaction, etc.). Example:

Project Title: "Wonderful Webcomic"
Creator Name: written by A.J. Muse, illustrated by Robin Ping
Category: Webcomic
Summary: "Wonderful Webcomic" is an ongoing (2012-current) serial about two sentient pennies and their adventures in the global economy. It is funded by donations; there's a permanent donation button plus periodic fund drives with specific goals and perks. So far, the 2012-2013 material has been released in ebook and hardcopy; the 2014 material is currently available in ebook only but a hardcopy edition is planned.  This series is famous for its fanart sculptures based on coins, and fan photos of pennies in tourist attractions around the world.  Several times, A.J. Muse has written extra stories inspired by those photographs.
4) You may nominate a maximum of three projects per category.  You are not required to make that many nominations or to cover all the categories. Please make each nomination in a separate comment; that way, if a problem occurs with one nomination it will not affect any others. You may NOT nominate your own project.

5) Nominations for the Webcomic category will be collected by ysabetwordsmith.

6) Participation is voluntary. If a creator wishes to withdraw their project from any category, or a patron wishes to withdraw from the Patron category, simply contact the category handler. In case of withdrawal, the person who made the withdrawn nomination may then nominate another project or patron instead.

7) Voters are strongly encouraged to browse the nominees before making a final decision; that's what the links are for, and the purpose of this award is to promote the splendor of crowdfunded projects. If you don't have time to explore widely or you already have a firm favorite, that's okay too.

8) Voting will take place via LiveJournal polling in the crowdfunding community, open to all. Polling is by popular vote, with checkboxes; you may vote for all of the projects in a category that you admire. (There may need to be more than one poll question per category, and runoffs, if the number of nominees is high. LJ has a limit to how many options there can be per question in a poll.) You ARE allowed to vote for your own project, or yourself as a patron.

9) Winners will be announced after the polling is completed.

How You Can Help

Rose and Bay depends on everyone's participation and enthusiasm to make it a success. Here are some ways you can help that happen:

1) Nominate. Leave your nominations for Webcomic in the comments on this post. Don't forget to check out the other five nominating posts as well.

2) Vote. Voting opens in February. Don't forget to mark your calendar or set up an alert.

3) Promote. Blog, email friends, tweet, post to Facebook, GooglePlus, Tumblr, or other social websites. Use the banners and icons. Hire a skywriter. Organize a flash mob. Just spread the word.

4) Share. If you're a patron or audience member, highlight your favorite crowdfunded projects from 2016 and direct people back to the award. Are you following other patrons whose tastes match your own to see what they sponsor or recommend? Mention them too! This makes it easier for people to find eligible nominees.

5) Speak up. Don't be shy. If you have eligible projects for Rose & Bay, let your audience and patrons know and link them to the relevant nomination post(s). If you have an "honor wall" or other place acknowledging your patrons, mention that too! Let your fans know there is a way for them to honor your project and the patrons who make it possible.

6) Plug in. Consider joining crowdfunding on LJ if you're not yet a member. You may also want to check out freestuffday where many crowdfunded projects are announced. If you're on Dreamwidth, don't forget to check out the  Crowdfunding community there as well.

awards, cyberfunded creativity, weblit, community, art

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