About the Residence list...
- At the moment only AU characters can move into a residence. OU characters please go
- The types of residence are: house, motel (specify which one), apartment (specify which one) and mansion (Norte only). There are other types of residences which your character can live in, but those are the main ones.
- For any residence that does not belong to the character (a.k.a.: that are not houses) and has multiple floors, the mods will select a floor for you.
- If you and another player are planning to make your characters live together please tell us in the "notes" section.
Name: your character's full name.
Series: what series are they from?
City: Centro, Norte, Sur, Este, Oeste
Residence: where will they live?
Notes: if there is anything you need to point out before added, please say it here.
❖ Last updated: July 04
{ Centro }
{ Norte }
Private Estate
{ Sur }
{ Este }
Este Apartment Complexes
Private Residence
{ Oeste }
Oeste Apartment Complexes