Characters: Sakuraba Neku (
onmyo) OU / Hanekoma Sanae (
catfallen) OU
Type: Open, idk.
Time: Mid-day.
Place: Oeste bus shelter, and throughout Oeste.
Rating: PG for now.
Summary: Hanekoma decides to pay Neku a visit. Neku can't ever imagine Sanae riding a bus. Ever.
Warnings/Notes: Fluff and fanboyism should soon ensue.
Neku ran. and ran and ran and ran down the alleys of the town that he was starting to know just as well as he knew Shibuya... or rather how he used to know Shibuya, seemingly that town darkening, turning fuzzy and being replaced by Crucen. Say an alley here reminded him almost of center street. He'd go down it -- knowing that it wasn't Shibuya... and upon traversing the alley so many times he'd forget what exactly was at the end of Center Street in Shibuya -- of course the AMX, but in his mind it would be replaced with what was at the end of Crucen's street that looked like it.
Shibuya was growing distant.
Upon arriving at the bus stop, the youths gekirin skidded slightly upon the kerb. Was he too late? No. No he couldn't be! He'd been able to clear Shibuya in less than 15 minutes in that week! Moving to the bus timetable and peering over it dubiously, he was soon interrupted by a bus pulling in.