Whoever you are, thank you so much for doing this! You'll make my Christmas a very very happy one :D
Here's a bit more information about the fandoms I requested and what I generally enjoy/steer away from.
I like:
- a feasible plot
- characters that I can believe in. I have enormous love for writers who delve into the inner workings of the characters.
- gen, het or slash. Rating-wise, anything between G to NC-17 is fine.
- Kick-ass women who can hold their own
- humour or irony. Angst is fine as long as there's a point to it, not oh-woe-is-my-life angst.
I don't like:
- BDSM. I squirm away (or scroll past) fics with any BDSM element. Long story short, I will not be comfortable reading it.
- Shota. This is tricky, because if I said I never read it, I would be a liar.BUT. I tend to steer clear from them.
- any kind of cat-girl/boy/thing. (e.g. Loveless)
- death fics make me cry. Please don't do that to me. Unless you have a REALLY good reason to.
- saccharine-cloying fluff and OOC.
I requested three fandoms for this year's Yuletide.
1. My Boss, My Hero (TV)
Pairing: Makio/Yuriko
I enjoyed watching these two characters during the series. With the story's resolution, I would love to see them as a pair. The fic can be a continuation from the last episode, or anytime after; I'll read anything about them as long as it's post series.
2. Scott Lynch- Gentlemen Bastard series
Pairing: Locke/Sabetha
Scott Lynch showed a glimpse of Locke and Sabetha's first meeting on his website; I'm an impatient fan who wants moar ;) Anything more about the pair that can be gleaned from that chapter and past references in Lies of Lock Lamora and Reds Seas under Red Skies would be great; living with Father Chains; with the rest of the Gentlemen Bastards, etc. Or, any inspiration you can get from
this cover would be awesome too :D
3. Naomi Novik - Temeraire series
Temeraire and Laurence adjusting to life in exile. What is in store for them? I am curious to see how our dear stoic!Laurence deals with his situation. Whatever difficulties he face, I want Temeraire helping him. I would love a fluffy, comfort fic- something I can curl up with :)
thank you very much for going over my picky (?) requests. If the descriptions don't fit what you have in mind, feel free to disregard them. Just enjoy the writing! I will certainly enjoy reading :D
Good luck!