here comes the summer!!!!

May 18, 2006 03:27

so i really haven't been to conistant with updating this over the past like 4-5 months or so. But I will let you all you know that as of recently I have been very alive and well ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

skaforbreakfast May 18 2006, 05:14:24 UTC
is that curtis?


crudbiscuit May 18 2006, 13:12:02 UTC
yuppppp it is!


skaforbreakfast May 18 2006, 18:34:05 UTC
the last time i saw him he got his face beat in for being a dick to my friends girlfriend


_bonesgoblack May 18 2006, 21:08:05 UTC


jcg_1984 May 19 2006, 00:15:36 UTC
hey, I forgot to say goodbye when I saw you the other day at school - good luck, uh, wherever you're going (I'm all done with WPU as well, onward to the filmmaking thing as it were). keep in touch :)


wynx May 19 2006, 14:30:17 UTC
LAURENZILLA! I want full body shots of that fabulous flamingo dress!!!!

And I'm glad you're having a WPU-free blast. =)


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