So I'm replaying Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete right now for the first time since I got it as a present for my 15th birthday. As I cleared out of the first town and dungeon, I had an epiphany.
Among various other things, the contrast between Alex and Ramus' home situations really hits me, since I have to regularly have to deal with my own home situation.
Alex had mostly encouraging parents who encouraged him to bad-assdom (or at least what's recognized as being a bad-ass in the vernacular of the Lunar world). I can really imagine that they adopted Luna to give Alex something to stick his dick to, in order to inspire him to further bad-assery. Of course, Alex becomes pretty balls to the wall and gets to fuck a literal goddess who waves bye-bye to immortality just to hook up with him*. Alex gets raised with positive fucking thinking and it seems to work out for him.
Ramus, on the other hand, has this guy who pretty-much wants to keep him cooped and is too scared shitless to let him go, like, a foot beyond his house. And it's the results of this upbringing which are disgustingly realistic: he's fat, slovenly and pussies out about a quarter of the way through for some reason (can't remember. I'm at that part now). It also takes him a second game, a thousand years and shit zillion descendants to find a lay like Lemina.
And it REALLY reminds me of me when I was (ohshi-!) 15!
And that was then it hit me that Lunar was really on to some surprisingly insightful shit here. And so the manly tears flow. Alright, that was hyperbole. But I was affected by it.
I'm so glad I replayed this game. This is much cooler, playing this as an adult.
tl;dr- I think Alex's dad is a great guy. He takes in orphan girls to whore them out to his son and doesn't afraid of anything. Also, Lunar is fucking awesome!
*I know this is a PS1 exclusive but I never played the Sega CD original. So shoot me.