Name: Jessica Johnson
Nicknames: Jessie, J.J., Double J, Speed Angel, "Flash" Johnson
Birthplace: Chicago, IL
DOB: June 14th
Age: 18
Hair: Blonde, long and straight - roughly waist length.
Eyes: Green
Complection: Fair
Blood type: O
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Left- or Right-handed: Right-handed
Occupation: Mechanic, gambler, street racer, and now student.
Education: Private schools before she attacked her uncle (see below). Strict boarding schools afterward. Dropped out after her Sophomore year.
Languages: English, French.
Sexuality: Bi-curious. Still leans towards guys more than girls, but at the same time, she's really getting fed up with guys that either don't respect her for who she is and only want her body, or at worst try to force themselves on her.
Tattoos and Piercings: Navel, left eyebrow, and several piercings in each ear. Full back tattoo of raven-like angel wings. Tattoo of barbed wire intertwined with a thorny rose vine circling her left bicep. Solid black stars outlined with red trim tattooed on her right arm (cover-up of a previous tattoo).
Family: Rick (father), Betty (mother), Dave (older brother)
Extended Family: Joe (uncle), Sarah (aunt), Bonnie (cousin)
Relationships: There was very little family drama amongst the Johnsons...everyone got along rather well, aside from Jessie's parents both being perfectionists. The only schism between Jessie and her folks was that she couldn't stand their constant pressure to be perfect in everything, always pushing her to get straight A's and play sports and take art classes and everything else that their perfect little girl should do. Personally, her tastes often clashed with their preppy ways as well, as did her feminist leanings did with their more conservative beliefs. Dave was a little over-protective of her, wanting to shelter her from the world, but they got along admirably. Her closest friend was her cousin Bonnie, and since they were roughly the same age they often spent time together at each other's homes. Sadly, she was sexually abused by her uncle while over for one such sleepover, and when she fought back she nearly killed the man. No one believed that such a widely respected, upstanding pilliar of the community would ever do something so horrible, so they passed it off as a cry for attention from a girl known to be somewhat wild and rebellious. It was this, combined with the gradual stresses that had been building up for years, that prompted her to run away. She has had no contact with her family since. Her family knows that she has fallen in with a rough crowd, but only hear of her activities when the local law enforcement come to occasionally ask if they know of her whereabouts.
Personality: Mainly, she just does what feels good and could care less about the consequences. Her personality borders on self-destructive at times because of this. Jessie is the quintessential rebel in that she will buck authority at every given opportunity, sometimes for no other reason than to do so. This especially goes for traditional gender roles...while not a hardcore feminist, she does get rather pissy when folks suggest that she act more demure and ladylike, learn to cook and settle for a life of serving her husband and raising children "like a woman is supposed to do." She tries to play herself up as a tough girl, though she does have a sensitive side that she hides from public view (and even indulges in a few things usually considered cute and feminine, though she's utterly embarrassed about such things and will deny them vehemently). When around others, she plays the role of the lone wolf, sometimes costing her friends in the process. At best, she flirts around and makes several light acquaintances but doesn't allow anyone to get too close. After all, there's no telling when she'll have to ride off again and leave it all behind...
Self-Image: She can be pretty cocky at times, thinking that she can do damn near anything and usually willing to at least try. Jessie's full of self confidence, to the point that she sometimes gets herself into trouble as a result. She realizes that she is gifted and has had a good eduction up until this point, and that she's been in and out of enough crazy situations in the biker world to have confidence in her ability to stay ahead of the game and out of trouble. Even with the situation between her and her uncle, it helped to prove to her that she was no small and defenseless girl, and more than able to take care of herself. However, she speaks harshly of herself. She denies her intelligence, not wanting to appear as smart or as well-educated as she is. She brags about her sexuality, almost to the point of appearing slutty or trashy, to help further distance herself from that mental image of the perfect little girl that everyone always expected her to be. Plus it helps with her "street cred" as well. She is naturally eloquent, and actually fluent in French as well as English, but always uses casual grammar, slang, and profanity to make her point when she could just as easily chose to do so in more polite, proper ways.
Mental Stability: Moderate. She's not the sort to sweat the small stuff, but she's kind of bad about lashing out when something does get to her. Or at least bow up when she feels that she's being threatened.
Appearance: Jessie has very long, golden blonde hair. Her skin is fair and smooth, and her eyes are a bright, sparkling emerald green. Despite the clothes she wears and her attitude on life, she still looks like the stereotypical "good girl" due to her angelic features. While not vain, Jessie is well aware of the advantages her looks give her - charming people, feigning innocence, or appearing to be a weaker opponent than she truly is. As such she takes great care of her appearance, despite the sometimes casual, sometimes edgy outfits she wears. She is fond of tight jeans, leathers, chains, wild designs, lots of earrings and body jewelry, and other clothes befitting a biker and a rocker. However she makes an exception for plaid skirts, knowing that she can really work the "naughty Catholic schoolgirl" stereotype to her advantage...albeit in more of a strippertastic sort of way than anything truly cute or innocent.
Hobbies: Racing and working on bikes is obviously her biggest hobby, as well as attending rock concerts and learning to play bass guitar. And due to the crowds she hangs out with, she's become quite adept at playing cards, throwing darts, and shooting pool. But before running away from home, she had been involved in several other extra-curricular activities. For example, Jessie's been enrolled in gymnastics since she was a kid. Her parents wanted to force her into something more ladylike such as dance, but when she resisted they compromised and settled for gymnastics. Later on when she grew up, they attepted to switch her to another more feminine sport such as cheerleading, thinking that it would fit her looks and make use of her previously aquired tumbling skills. Instead, she not only stuck with gymnastics but eventually picked up track and field as well. That ended up being a true love of hers, a true contest where she could push herself instead of yet another dance routine where she was expected to be perfect.
Powers: At present, she only has a single magical power and only recently realized that it was magical in nature. When racing she loses herself, the entire world seeming to fade away except for the open road before her. In reality she was pushing her vehicle forward due to sheer force of will, kind of a super-specialized form of telekinesis. She began to realize that there was something supernatural going on while throwing darts, almost getting beaten up for somehow cheating. At first she dismissed it as crazy talk, but she gradually became aware that she had more control and more power behind her throws than could really be explained. She can't do much more with it at the moment besides making some "lucky" shots in pool or helping her outrun competition on the racetrack, but she does have some latent ability in controlling and manipulating kinetic energy and will likely learn more about time magic and probability magic while at St. Catherine's.
Design Notes: I made Jessie as a fan character for the Gunsmith Cats universe. Rally's all about guns and fast cars. Minnie May, despite her youthful appearance, is pretty much sex incarnate. What else is missing from this all-American picture? Bikes and rock 'n roll! Plus, since GSC is all about truly American things like guns and muscle cars, Jessie also fills the stereotype of the "cool, tough kid" kind of like you'd find in any high school drama. There's always the one guy that's not a bully - usually fairly popular, actually - but kind of a rebel that breaks all the rules and does his own thing but always manages to get out of any serious trouble. 'Cept this time it's a gal instead. ^_~
Besides that, I kind of like the idea of the trifecta being complete. Jessie has her own personality, and it kind of meshes well with the other two girls. She's not as butch or as femme as the other two Cats - somewhere in the middle. She's got a similar niche as Bean Bandit, but she's trying to reform similar to Misty. I was really happy with how she turned out...until I got to the part when Snake Charmer showed up. With a canonical character that was so similar to a female Bean Bandit, there wasn't much room for another girl driver and I never really played her much.
For St. Cats, I retooled her slightly. I had this plan for her speed powers to be more of an urban legend. Slightly Sue-ish, I admit, but not more so than wiring a van to explode while waiting for a red light or punching holes in car doors. Hell, Rally can tell how many bullets are in a gun by weight alone and is fond of shooting out triggers from across a room...a racer so fast that people wonder if she's somehow able to push a car forward by willpower alone isn't too hard to imagine. Thought it might be similiar to how Dale Earnhardt was "The Intimidator", the man everyone else was terrified to have to race against. For this RP, instead of it being a myth I'm making it into a true magical power, and will probably incorporate elements from The Flash and or The Matrix to give her an interesting angle that none of the other students currently have.