D if I could be the first one on mars, A i'd start right off by selling both my cars, if i could spend three weeks in that dirt, you can bet i'd pack a snow white shirt.
Seattle's Discovery Park envelops in large part Ft Lawton, a mostly de-comissioned military base. There are a bunch of old buildings about the fort, some in good shape, some falling down. The chapel is in an in between state of repairs. There was a trick of the light to first photo taken at dusk, the detail photo is a bit of a spoiler. The
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I've been taking a lot of photos out at discovery park lately... here are a couple from the beach by the lighthouse taken on different days.
A friend suggested I would be nuts to have asked the parents of the kids in the first photo if they wanted my contact information so that I could get them a copy of the photo. I had guessed it would be weird
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Western Washington was THE growing region for apples in Washington until the Apple Maggot came along. This tanglefoot trap in Piper's orchard was loaded in about four days. click on the picture to see more of last weekend's work party photos.