Im in a strange mood today.
On the one hand - Im happy, because of Dunksh & getting some work done & having marvy friends & stuff.
But on the other hand - I feel rather sort of..empty, & I dont know why.
Well, I do.
Oh Lord. I miss him. No, not HIM, I mean, him. You wont understand, & I dont blame you. I dont really understand myself.
I shall have to see him in the half term or something because quite frankly, Im going crazy not being able to touch him.
He said, uoyevolIknihtI, to me the other night, which is IthinkIl*oveyou backwards [took me a whole 2 hours to work that one out on my own..well, not quite 2 hours] and I dont know what to do. I cant keep track of how long I've known him.
This is the only one thats blossomed after I saw him. Well, the only one out of a grand total of 2.
I wish Lei could read this, damn her crappy child blocker thingymejig.
I doubt anyone will read this.