(no subject)

Mar 03, 2004 00:43

STOLEN!(from tableforglasses
because we all know i'm way too awesome not to.

1. If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why?
the moon, i don't think of myself as a fan of the sun

2. If you could share that experience with one person, who would that be, and why?
David, simply because i miss him so much. Or melissa, because i know she'd love it.

3. What colour do you think best describes you and why?
If you ask erin, it's yellow, because i'm so "cheerful and bright" ick would say red, because i'm "always so angry", i personally think black, because i'm so emotional, and black is the product of all colors combined.

4. Do you know what your element is? If so what is it? fire

5. Do you know your astrological sign? If so what is it?
Aries, the ram, because you know, i'm just Miss Assertive

6. Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?

7. What is your most vivid dream?
all of them

8. If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing and why?
something that involves random fun. because random fun makes the world go 'round

9. If you could only choose one element to surround yourself with either a)wind, b)fire, c)earth, or d)water, which would you choose and why?
wind. Fire can burn you, water can drown you and earth is frail. The wind is indestructable, and only the strong would be able to get close to me.

10. Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? If yes, who, if no, why not?
yes, because I've found it is physically impossible to say "no" and fully mean it.

11. Who runs circles around your mind?

12. If you had to paint a self-portrait would you make it a)realistic, b)abstract, or c)you'd rather die than have to pick up a paint brush? Explain your answer.
Abstract, left open to your interpretation.

13. Which do you prefer more and why, a)natural light, b)candle light, c)florescent light, or d)moonlight?
Moonlight. the night is just more calming.

14. Do you believe in karma? Do you even know what karma is?
yes i believe in karma, i believe that what you do in life and how you treat others reflects the way your life is. I hold the hopes that karma does exist, otherwise, what are we fighting for?

15. How about fate? Are we all fulfilling a destiny here on earth?
I believe things happen for reasons beyond our comprehension, do i believe we all are serving a purpose? no.

16. Who is the most thought-provoking person you know, and why?
Everyone I know provokes my thoughts. What fun is someone who doesn't make you think?

17. Who is the most inspiring and why?
The shittiest people i've ever met inspire me the most, because they inspire me to be exactly what they will never be.

18. You had to spend the rest of your natural life with only one other human being, who would that be and why?
Anyone who makes me happy. If you can make me smile and laugh 90% of the time, it's you.

19. Which sense could you not live without, and why?
Hearing.. I can't imagine how it is to live in a world of silence.. to never hear music, to never hear a child laugh..

20. Have you ever written on a mirror? If so what did you write?
Yes, i used to go in the bathroom when my sister was taking a shower and write stupid things on the mirror like "bitch" just to make her wonder.

21. Have you ever written or drawn on another person? If so who, and what did you write/draw?
Ive drawn on many people, smiles, hearts, written phone numbers and words.

22. What do you wish on?
stars, 11:11, 12:34, candles, the first cigarette in a pack... anything really

23. Right now is your life, spiraling, or ascending? Why?
life should be a constant spin. If you know what is next, why would you keep living?

24. If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?
I would have complained a lot less about the volunteer program i participated in. It turns out I enjoyed it quite a bit.

26. What can someone do to you that would turn you on fully, physical or mental?
Make me smile a genuine smile, make me laugh hysterically, and make me blush. only 2 boys that i can think of have made me blush.

27. Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors?
If i had the time, location and means to sleep outside everynight, that would be my preference. But alas, New York doesn't have the best "sleep outside" weather.

28. What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
An open mind.

29. Name one person whose changed your life for the better:
Everyone I know has changed my life for the better in some way. Even those who have hurt me. They teach you to be a better friend, they teach you about trust, and they make you less naive.

30. Name one person whose changed your life for the worse:
myself, but I'm working on that

31. If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to?
"Im sorry" to everyone I've ever disappointed in anyway.

32. Do you believe in heaven? If so what do you think it will be like?

33. Would you rather a)run through a sunflower field, b)jump inside a waterfall, or c)hike through the woods?
The waterfall, but not Niagara Falls.. hahaha

34. What is your worst fear in the world? Does it consume you?
Loneliness, and it only consumes me when i'm alone

35. What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in?
a hug

36. If you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?
Tough call. i wouldn't know who to pick.

37. Have you ever written poetry? Have you shared it?
yes, and yes. And i have stopped since.

38. Do you believe experimentation can be a good thing? Why or why not?
In some circumstances, yes. Had no one experimented with chemicals, we wouldn't know how to cure many ailments people have, we wouldn't know that a heart can be saved by a piece of metal, some wires, and a battery with no experimenting. However, some experiments can be cruel.

39. What was the last thing someone said to you?
"Make a wish"

40. What was the last thing you said to them?

41. If you had the ability to change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?
Hate, because there's far too much of it.

42. If you could go back in time, where would you go, what would you do, and why?
I wouldn't. as i said, everything has happened for a reason, going back and doing one thing differently could disturb everything since, even something as simple as taking back an "i love you" or an "i hate you". No regrets, no missed chances. Do it the best you can the first time.

So this morning, at 7am i was standing in the middle of the intersection of Pine Ave. and 19th, selling newspaper for $1 each to benefit Kids day, an organization that meets once a year to raise money for children with health problems and their families. This year it raised money for Women and Children's Hospital.
I didn't get paid for standing in the rain for the first hour, and ditching speeding cars and delivery trucks for the second hour, but i had a good time, and i felt great the rest of the day.
We had 90 papers we were supposed to sell between the three of us.
I, alone, sold 59. we were completely sold out after 8:00am, but we stood there taking donations anyways.
I plan on participating again next year, and all the years after that when i am given the opportunity.
Everyone should do this if you can. yes, it's technically work for free, but it really does make you feel good about yourself.
The End.
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