From the Ya, I Ship It challenge at
What is the one true Whedonverse ship?
Dear reader:
As a future Xan Buren shipper--well, if you are not one already--you have probably reacted one of two ways: Either you have thought, Yes! Finally somebody else who understands the true meaning of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and its hit spin-off “Angel”! or But this cannot possibly be true! That is such a bizarre opinion that my urge to read more is almost like a contractual obligation!
Well, dear reader, either way, I know, you are compelled to read on.
So read on. And behold the undeniable and varied evidence that supports the One True Ship.
So how do we even know that Lilah is actually Martin Van Buren?!!???!
Lilah Morgan is very foxy, in both senses of the word. She is both witty and attractive.
Here is a list of the men she has seduced:
-Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
-Angelus AND ANGEL--at the SAME TIME!!!
-Tom Sawyer
-Charles Gunn
-Samuel Beckett
-Jayne Cobb
-The First Doctor
Here is some photographic evidence:
And for those for whom I have no photographic evidence? Just think like a smart person: SHE WAS SO GOOD AT IT YOU DIDN’T EVEN KNOW!!!!!
And you know who else was witty and attractive???
It is said that Martin Van Buren is the foxiest president around. He can get a man to follow him anywhere, do anything for him, kill any animal in his name-just by looking him in the eye. With a single touch, Martin Van Buren has a slave for life.
And if that isn’t enough for you, here is a photo that really proves it:
Lilah looking at an OFFICIAL DOCUMENT that says that SHE IS REALLY MARTIN VAN BUREN!!!!
Wow!!! You are so right!!!
I know!!!
But how do we know that Martin Van Buren is with Xander?
In season 2, episode 2 of “Angel,” the hit spin-off of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Lilah says, “I have been having fun lately with my TRUE LOVE XANDER HARRIS!!!!”
In season 4, episode 18 of “Angel,” the hit spin-off of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Angel says: “I will never be good enough for LILAH AKA MARTIN VAN BUREN!!!”
In season 1, episode 3 of the hit series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”: Xander says, “Buffy, Martin Van Buren AKA LILAH MORGAN is and will ALWAYS be my TRUE LOVE, even if I DO almost marry an ex-demon!!!!”
In season 4, episode 19 of the hit series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”: Xander says, “Bye, guys! I have to get home to see how Martin Van Buren is doing, and then we will participate in fun activities together of the kind that true loves generally participate in together, because she is my true love!!”
In the VERY LAST EPISODE of the hit series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”: Xander says, “Well at least MY TRUE LOVE MARTIN VAN BUREN IS STILL ALIVE!!!!”
Which means that though LILAH might be KIND OF DEAD, she was only one of MARTIN VAN BUREN’S MANY FORMS and that he RETURNED TO LIFE, possibly in another LILAH form, or MAYBE EVEN IN THE FORM OF LILAH AND OTHER THINGS--for example, the Secretary of State, a tree, several celebrities, or maybe even THE BUS IN THE BACKGROUND OF THAT ONE SHOT!!!!!!!!!
I have so many questions about the One True Ship!!!!
Well then ask me about them here!!!!
EDIT: Xan Buren icons can be found
HERE. Feel free to snag some!