Congrats on the 90 day review (and kicking that other girl's ass!! YEAH!! YOU ROCK!!! WHOOSPRINGBREAK! - sorry, got a little carried away there. The Florida still hasn't worked its way out of my system entirely) and the gym thing. I don't have the willpower to make myself go to the gym every day, though I wish I did.
And if you gals will have me, I will be at trivia on Friday! :)
Okay, it's late as hell and I'm sure that has something to do with it (my brain is disjointed) but EVERY TIME I LOOK AT THAT PICTURE I BUST OUT LAUGHING. I'm sure it's getting unhealthy.
Comments 8
Quite the appropriate mood icon...this entry read that way.
And if you gals will have me, I will be at trivia on Friday! :)
Only you can make Benson wet his pants 5 times in a row.
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