Got my shirt order in today. The first features my favorite kitchen appliance.
If you don't know, then:
How I love the Fruit Fucker.
Also -
It is well known, that as the shirt says, "Rogues do it from behind".
If you don't get this one, well then,
And no, that isn't a fork, it's a dagger that is so awesome and hardcore that it has FOUR BLADES!
...or it's a fork.
While I was taking pics, thought we may check up on the hobo progress.
Not sure if you can tell, but appearantly my face is a redhead. I wonder if the curtains match the drapes, eh? *nudge nudge*...I don't even know what that means. Also, the "mustache" has a bit of catch up to do, he's been slackin', that or just loses focus because of all the food it has to dodge.