A humble trip to the comic store. A single transaction.
Aquaman 3, just cause I'm an Aqua-Nerd
Flash 123, DC geeks know why this is important, Golden-Age Flash meets Silver-Age Flash and the first mention of multiple Earths, causing the Crisis in 1985 as well as the current one
Fantastic Four 2, Last issue the FF sport street clothes, first appearnce of the Skrulls (which turn into cows in the end)
Tales of Suspense 39, first appearance of Iron Man, my childhood favorite
The mother-load, Amazing Spider-man 1. Part of the first ever Marvel Cross-over, along with FF 12, which I now have to get my hands on.
This was in the works for a while, in fact, the actual transaction happened a week ago. Just to make sure this isn't an entirely happy post, half the reason I decided to get these was for Jen and I to both own some real good books. I'm still happy with them, they just seem...tainted in some way. But, my comic collection has now reached a legitimate level...I need to see about getting it insured, these five books weren't cheap. They were what I think was in perfect condition for me. Good enough that I could be proud of them, but not so good that they were completely unaffordable...as is they were just quite unaffordable, but, you only live once eh?