I. What if…
…You had a chance to go back in time but would lose the chance to do
anything different?: tell Kevin how I feel...
...You could be beautiful but stupid or ugly but intelligent?: Intelligence gets you farther..then I could pay to be pretty....lol
…You could be fat and marry the guy/girl of your dreams or skinny and marry no one?: that's a toughy...if I chose skinny I'd end up being a slut...lol
..…You got separated from your family in an airport?: I would FLIP OUT..my cell probably wouldn't have fucking signal!!!
…You were kidnapped?: I'd find a way back home...
…You had to chose between saving your true love or best friend and could only save one, but could sacrifice yourself to save both?: I would either choose my best friend or sacrifice myself to save both...if the person I loved meant that much to me...
…You could say only one thing before you died?: "I look back with no regrets!"
…You were about to die in three weeks?: I would probably go get piercings, tattoos, get high, go to a party, skydive..something I have never done or want done...
…You could live in another era?: I don't know..I think we have it pretty damn good...
…You had the choice between a high paying but boring job, or a reasonable-paying fun job?: reasonable paying fun job..
II. Would you…
…Sacrifice a big job if it meant being with your first love?: Yes
…Sacrifice your health for lesser health and greater happiness?: No
…Move away from your family?: Not Spring
…Use a time Travel Machine if it was invented?: Hell Yes..as long as I knew I could come back safely...
…Use drugs if they were legal?: Hell Yes
…Ever have your head shaved completely bald?: If it were for the right reason
…Have children knowing they will develop a fatal disease and die before age five?: No
…Give a speech in front of the entire world?: Probably not
…Play Video Games for 24 hours straight?: NOt unless it was super nintendo
III. Have you ever…
…Done something unforgivable in the eyes of society?: OH GOD....I TRIED WEED GUYS!! NOW I AM A POTHEAD!! jk jk..but yea..I had sex in a graveyard....
…Mooned someone?: Just last night...:-)
…Written a Love letter?: yuppers...
…Been to jail?: I had to do community service for stealing from Wal-Mart
…Had something published?: By the Elementary school in like 5th grade...lol
…Stayed up the entire night without sleeping?: with Danyell I did once...
…Done something illegal while driving besides speeding?: No.....
…Done something you regret with all your heart?: Yes.
…Ran away from something?: Yes.
IV. Which is worse…
…Dying alone or dying in pain?: Dying alone.
…Being rejected or being betrayed?: Betrayed
…Losing your prized posession or five posessions?: five possesions
…Breaking your arm or your leg?: I don't know..both are used quite a bit for band...I guess my leg...cause I could always still play sitting down...
…Upset stomach or throwing up?: Upset stomach..it's not as bad and I am more used to it so it doesn't bother me much
…Burning alive or drowning?: drowning
…Lost in the woods or losing your family in the mall?: hm....woods...
V. Took a risk…
…Proclaimed your love?: Yes.
…Waited till the last minute to complete something?: Um..I don't think I'd be me if I didn't procrastinate...
…Said something honest but stupid?: Yup.
…Told someone a secret?: Yes.
…Been through a shady alley/place?: hm..not that I can remember
…Been through a grave yard late at night?: Yes..I have also done other things in a graveyard..;-)Spring is calling me to wathc TV with her..
So I will post my emo guys tomorrow..
Today was okay..
Missed Jill..
Getting closer with Kayla..
Talked to my old deighbor Heather..
Apparently it's REALLY getting around that I am a drug addict..
How fucking wonderful..
Thanks a lot DARLING Loretta..
James can kiss my ass as well..
On to better things...
Erica is staying the night otmorrow night hopefully..
Wednesday night I think we are going to hang out at the Courtyard..I love talking to old friends
I love getting closer with sort of friends
I love taking surveys..
I love posting pictures
I love Chasing August
I love going to New Brookland
I love skipping
I love my clothing
I love sleeping in Spring's bed
I love talking on the phone
I love my tongue ring..
I love the stuff I bought off of Evay
I love Finding Nemo
<3 Ashweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee