It seems I have a job (maybe two) and will finally relocate to Philly at the end of this month!
People have tagged me a few times to participate in "25 things" and I am a bit to shy to post on Facebook, yet a bit of narcissism appeals to us all and I love reading others' tidbits; so I wrote mine below.
1. I love the aesthetic of candy canes but do not like to eat them. I am also captivated by things which fly or float: rainbows, butterflies, clouds, bubbles, stars, blimps, and unicorns, to name a few.
2. I am a huge devotee of public radio, and my favorite station is BBC Radio 4. Many mornings I would stay in my flat far longer than intended so I could learn about nettles, Gordon Brown's dithering, Thatcher flashbacks and so on.
3. In England I felt too American; having returned Stateside, I feel rather unAmerican. More than once my accent has been mistaken for British. However, I know the feeling will fade because I spent only 1.5 years in Europe and I am not the first US citizen (particularly in our wanderlusting generation) to flirt with expatriating.
4. My red hair and freckles are probably Slavic rather than Irish or British.
5. I have little judgment and plenty curiosity. The fusion can engender tragicomedy.
6. A favorite pastime is wandering around cities/cathedrals/ruins and philosophizing about architecture, history, and the human soul. Intriguingly, virtue and Art are structural equivalents. Per exemplum: Aristotle characterizes virtue as action in accordance with the virtuous principle; and Hegel defines Art as an aesthetic particularization of an Idea, which comes from the mind (and ultimately from God, but this is a theological intricacy that I don't find universally relevant). In a word, Art and virtue are individual human works necessarily engendered from principle. According to Kant, moral judgments are objective and judgments of the beautiful/sublime somewhat less so; however, beauty was long equated with goodness, and beautiful artworks aimed at moral instruction and the elevation of souls. The fault isn't with Kant, for ideas of beauty change with time and place, but I am trying to sort out the multiple implications of art and virtue sharing an architecture.
7. I frequently dream about being in ancient Athens, Rome between antiquity and the Baroque era, c5-7th Constantinople, and medieval England. A recent dream featured a conversation with men laying mosaics inside Hagia Sophia.
8. It freaks me out how the mind can think about itself, and about thought, but be so unaware about the anatomy of either.
9. I wore an ancient Denver Broncos sweatshirt nearly every day during the third grade.
10. As long as I can remember, I have been convinced inanimate objects have feelings. I thank used/broken items for their good service before throwing them out, and stuffed animals are just the worst. When I was two, I had a bear named Sad Bear because his mouth was sewn as an inverted Y below his nose. I was so distraught at Sad Bear's sadness that Mom finally sewed him a smile and rechristened him Happy Bear.
12. Whenever it is roughly appropriate, I will set time settings to my age: 23 seconds to microwave a cup of coffee, wake up at 7:23, two sessions of 23 minutes on the elliptical...
13. I willfully remain uneducated about music so I can enjoy it indiscriminately, unlike art and architecture. My appreciation of the latter is more taxing for being richer.
14. People who study certain subjects to flatter their own image make me chafe! To use academics as a mirror misses the point consummately!
15. I see auras coming off most people. Mine is a slightly pale golden yellow, and several of my friends' are shades of violet or lavender. Orange auras are difficult for me to see. Additionally, my mind is full of rainbow colors: they spark when overactive (this is distracting) and are like smooth, dense, illuminated clouds when my mind is calmer. I did not realize this was unusual until, like, last year.
16. I wish I could read people's minds without anyone being able to read mine. Perhaps this catch is why empathy does not extend to telepathy.
17. It confounds me when great minds are prejudiced.
18. When I meet someone, I determine which of the Greek gods s/he would be. The decision is not necessarily gender-specific.
19. I realize I am decently intelligent and attractive. Because these traits must make life sweeter, they cause me anxiety for my soul's wellbeing.
20. Nevertheless, I try very hard to be good in thought and deed. The process involves devising/revising and adhering to a moral code as well as gleaning insight from mistakes. One of the truest lyrics is Mrs Potts' line 'Bittersweet and strange finding you can change, learning you were wrong' from Beauty and the Beast.
21. I wish I could dance.
22. The only song whose lyrics I know in entirety is 'Baby Got Back'.
23. Some favorites are: animal: the giant anteater, letter: Y, color: yellow, device: clocks, paintings: Botticelli's Pallas and the Centaur and Guido Reni's Aurora, churches: Lincoln cathedral and Borromini's San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, numbers: 27 and 44 (also primes, palindrome numbers, and two-digit numbers where one digit is one greater than the other. This is why I so enjoy being 23).
24. For various reasons, I respect most of my friends and family more than myself.
25. I kind of believe the soul is immortal.