I don't know the extent of their operation but when I needed last minute checkups for my immigration this place Called either DOCS or D.O.C.S on 34th between something like 5th ave and madison was great, I showed up, was admitted for a scan after only 10 minutes of waiting, they took of 40 bucks just cause I said I had no insurance and that this was sprung up on me last minute, and they had the results the next day for me to pick up.
Ahem... if this IS a spider bite... it COULD be a Brown Recluse...
Although the Brown Recluse does not usually live in the New York area... the description you gave sounds like one... and I've seen about 9 of them in real life. They are rarely fatal or leave any permanant problems... But... If left untreated, they can cause a really creepy skin problem that looks like a zombie movie. So... you don't need to go the the ER ASAP as my initial response said... but you should get it treated. in the mean time... keep ice on it. It should help. So... that being said... I'll leve you to your search for a Walk-in clinic... Hopefully you get it all worked out... I, too, lack insurance and know how much of a bitch THAT is.
Hey, I had just seen your post in Brooklyn, USA. Is it possible you have some sort of staph infection? I had a particularly nasty staff infection that started with what I thought was a huge bug bite. By the time they figured out what it was I had the all-over ickiness and rash, too, which meant it had spread throughout my whole system. Swell. Anyhow, not to freak you out, but just thought I'd suggest you looked into it.
Comments 11
Ahem... if this IS a spider bite... it COULD be a Brown Recluse...
Although the Brown Recluse does not usually live in the New York area... the description you gave sounds like one... and I've seen about 9 of them in real life. They are rarely fatal or leave any permanant problems... But... If left untreated, they can cause a really creepy skin problem that looks like a zombie movie. So... you don't need to go the the ER ASAP as my initial response said... but you should get it treated. in the mean time... keep ice on it. It should help. So... that being said... I'll leve you to your search for a Walk-in clinic... Hopefully you get it all worked out... I, too, lack insurance and know how much of a bitch THAT is.
Good luck.
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