More chat wrongness.
cam: i hate that you get to play in photoshop for a living
shunda: don't be jealous
cam: i'm not, i just hat you
shunda: it's not attractive
shunda: roflol. great typo!
cam: shut up *hates*
shunda: i'm hurt
shunda: *deletes journal omg*
cam: LOL
cam: that's good you can laugh about it
shunda: except for when i'm serious, yo.
cam: ::shock::
shunda: that, and i'm off my meds ftw
cam: LMAO
shunda: i have to go to work now
cam: ::still laughing::
but it always turns to fandom.
cam: no dead babies. i have an idea
shunda: i make no promises.
cam: i was reading yet another story where john has morning breath
cam: why is he the only one to have it?
shunda: sebaceans have superior breeding, therefore superior breath
shunda: i really don't know.
cam: there should be a fic where aeryn wakes up first and begins kissing john awake and he is completely turned off by her breath
shunda: hee. john pushes her away and aeryn is like, what the frell is the matter with you? morning sex. and john says, "i love you, but woman, your breath is foul!"
cam: lol yes
shunda: aeryn is offended, because who wouldn't be? and tries to deny it.
shunda: john attempts to explain the concept of morning breath, but aeryn is not trying to hear that
shunda: and john just says, "baby, trust me. i've been waking up next to you for the past six months and sebaceans have morning breath.
cam: rofl
shunda: she asks him why he's never said anything before and john says it's because he loves waking up with her and it doesn't matter to him.
cam: awww
shunda: yeah. it's too sappy for me. i won't write it.
cam: we'll see
shunda: and you know john is crass enough to blow on her face in all his morning breath glory
cam: lol eww
shunda: just to prove that he has no room to talk
shunda: and then they both go for a dentic and have shower!sex, yay.
cam: i'm posting this to my lj. this is what you're up to instead of being productive.
shunda: i may have to add a smiliar scene to one of the fics i'm working on. brevity amid the angst.
cam: my work here is done then.
shunda: i hat you.
shunda: lmao
cam: shut up!