Warning: Supernatural Rant Ahead

May 15, 2010 04:54

Okay, this has kind of been building up for a little while, and I just can't take it anymore.

Seriously, we're this mad about "Swan Song"? Is it really the end of the damn world that Kripke did not end everything exactly how you had imagined it? After watching this show for five years, did you really expect some kind of fucking Care Bears ending? Because I don't think we were watching the same thing.

Here's the crux of the issue: any show that can pull at your heartstrings and make you care this much about two fictional characters is downright extraordinary. To go this long and to just now start having continuity issues is nothing short of amazing--Heroes ran into these problems in season 2! So can't we just put aside the things we don't like and focus on the things we do like? Is it so bad that you are not looking forward to season 6 in September? From what I have read, no, it isn't. So what's the problem? Doesn't pulling this much emotion out of you mean the finale was, dare I say it, good?

To all you Kripke haters out there: Shut. Up. Shut up about how he "ruined" your show. First of all, it's not your show, it's HIS. It is his intellectual property to do with as he pleases, so suck it up. The sad thing is he does write for his audience and tries desperately to please all the fans. If you don't like what he has done, fine! Ignore it and create your own corner via fanfiction or some other creative outlet of your choosing. But remember, without Kripke there is no Supernatural, no Sam, no Dean, no Metallicar. So show a modicum, a dash, a smidgen, an iota of friggin' appreciation.

I know I'm kind of combating negativity with negativity, which is extremely counter-productive, and I am truly sorry for that. I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, or belittle anyone's opinions. If you really hated the last episode or season, that's fine. No one is going to force you to watch season 6. But if you do want to watch season 6, and still profess yourself a lover of all things SPN, just chillax a little.

P.S: to all those who hated the ep but are still being cool about it (who are probably going to be the only people who read this...sorry) THANK YOU. Seriously, you're awesome.

supernatural, rant, bitch bitch bitch

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