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Jun 07, 2008 17:04

Name: Yuuki Cross
Age: 16
Birthday: Unknown.
Height: 152cm (5'0")
Weight: Light!
Eyes: Amber. . . ish. oh shoujo
Hair: Brown.
Blood Type: O
Medical Info: Usually has healing wounds on her neck from being Zero's source of blood, lolol. Sometimes dizzy spells from loss of blood!

Also, no memories before age five.

Physical traits: Slender and petite-hasn't really grown since middle school and people make fun of her for it. 8( Usually wears her hair down, but will occasionally put it in partial buns for formal occasions. Very "sweet-tasting" blood?

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Please don't spoil her for the later chapters; e.g., that she is [SPOILER]in truth Yuuki Kuran, a pureblood vampire and Kaname's sister.[/SPOILER]

Abilities: Yuuki's somewhat more attune to spiritual abnormalities than a normal human (she can spot a vampire by how they "feel"). And she's also good with a gun and a staff that can fend off vampires to some extent! But she usually works with Zero since he's the brute force (and more violent one) of the pair.

See spoilers for her ~secret~, but she doesn't have those powers yet and it can't be sensed. Other than her blood smelling delicious.

Notes for the Psychics: Can't remember anything prior to age five. Sometimes has crazy moments where suddenly, the entire world around her looks like it's right out of a slasher movie! But other than that. . . she's your fairly average cheerful teenage girl. Her mind is full of thoughts of Kaname (both "./////." and a more pressing concern for what exactly he knows about her), concern for Zero and his situation, etc. She attempts to hide her emo, especially that over her lack of memories, but. She has a tendency to wear her emotions right on her sleeve and she's easy to fluster.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask first!

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: She'll blush and hit you if she doesn't know the character, most likely. But if that's not a problem, go for it! And she's very physical around people that she does know :|b

Maim/Murder/Death: Uhhh I'd prefer not to have her killed since people would flip? Anything else is fine, but ping me up first for serious injuries o/

Cooking: . . . managed to make a whopping ONE chocolate. Not too good.

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