*Give it up tonight.*

Jan 30, 2005 02:09

We had a game versus Duke today. Total shut down. They didn't score once. My family came to see me play. :o) I scored a try. Zoolu warrior! I got Most Valuable Player. For the second time this season. Once last semster, now once this semester. Needless to say, it was a good day. I heart rugby. But half-naked keg stands don't make me too happy. :o ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

boringramblings January 30 2005, 01:23:22 UTC
I almost came to your game this afternoon. I slept through it :( damn this cold. Next game though, i am totally there.

i'm glad you kicked some major ass.


ps. conor in less than 2 days.


cruzangirlco04 January 30 2005, 13:08:16 UTC
oh dont worry man, it was really cold outside so I didn't expect to many spectators anyways. there's 3 more home games, so you have time.

And yes. Now conor in less than 1 day. :oD


boringramblings January 30 2005, 18:03:36 UTC
Where will we be 24 hours from now?



ashjenk January 30 2005, 01:25:51 UTC
I'm so glad your rugby game went well! i write during class too.. makes me mad, but i cant help it. gotta write it down. missed you tnight! ksfoifosdijfsdlkjfs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3


cruzangirlco04 January 30 2005, 13:13:28 UTC
exactly, that's how i feel..gotta write it down. I missed you too man. what'd you guys end up doing?


ashjenk January 30 2005, 13:21:59 UTC
we went to see the capulets play and then went to a party (3rd and rotary) afterwards. there were so many people there. crazy. p.s. i wrote that comment above when i was drunk... look how good i did typing!


cruzangirlco04 January 30 2005, 13:23:55 UTC
awesome. good job with the typing babe. haha.


mypinknightmare January 30 2005, 06:54:34 UTC
yay yay double yay for elisa playing hardcore. what now.


cruzangirlco04 January 30 2005, 13:14:35 UTC
:o) hehehe, yay!


niff_litt January 30 2005, 07:57:27 UTC
:-D woohoo! kick some serious A-S-S!!!!


cruzangirlco04 January 30 2005, 13:14:54 UTC
heck yes we did.


asubound January 30 2005, 08:56:08 UTC
I can relate to the writing in class.
In my Econ class last semester, I even started drawing some ideas for the cover of my album. Yes, I am a dork! lol


cruzangirlco04 January 30 2005, 13:15:56 UTC
lol. ideas for a cover album. nice!


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