*So come on baby let's dance, get your body in motion*

Feb 01, 2005 02:50

I figured something out, shows make me happy...happy enough to have the will to live. So if I just go to a show a month (at least)...I should never be in the mood to die. Like I was before I left for Raleigh. HORRID MOOD. I felt like I sucked at life and I should die. I'm glad I didn't. Tilly and the Wall cheered me up and Bright Eyes made me so ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

xkissmelush February 1 2005, 11:04:19 UTC
me and britt live ten minutes from sharpsburggggggggggggggggggggggggggg


cruzangirlco04 February 1 2005, 18:55:28 UTC
ahahhahahhahahaha. man. that's crazy.


xx_meagan_xx February 1 2005, 11:52:24 UTC
Yeah i was so incredibly sick.... i was so fucking bummed i missed bright eyes... ugh! Lauren got to see a lil of the performance. Taste of Chaos I better be TOP NOTCH! haha.


cruzangirlco04 February 1 2005, 18:58:35 UTC

Yeah, good luck with Taste of Chaos. haha. I wish I was going but too much going on.


melolagnia February 1 2005, 12:56:58 UTC
hey, if you need a mini show between shows, here i am .... entertainment all the way. hope your week gets better from here.. ill see you tonight at practice


cruzangirlco04 February 1 2005, 18:59:29 UTC
entertainment huh? what type of mini-shows if i may ask. :o)


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