*You're a boomerang you'll see, you will return to me.*

Feb 03, 2005 02:26

I love how when I want to receive a phone call the most...I don't. Maybe I'm just over-reacting and it's all in my head and it's only MY problem. Not an US problem. Who knows.

I wish I got more sleep.

Life is killing me..slowly but most definitely.

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Comments 9

aynonomus February 3 2005, 08:22:58 UTC
Cheer up kid before Im forces to serende to you


cruzangirlco04 February 3 2005, 10:58:36 UTC


aynonomus February 5 2005, 23:30:24 UTC
Seriously... dont make me call you just to sing to you


btifulflwer163 February 3 2005, 09:06:33 UTC
life seems to be taking the itself out of a lot of people lately. including me. BUT the only way to go when you're down is up.


cruzangirlco04 February 3 2005, 10:58:57 UTC
good point my dear. it was so good to see you on monday.


brightereyes February 3 2005, 11:40:18 UTC
fuck that, it's not a you problem trust me. i don't know any details about your situation but don't spend time blaming yourself for other peoples incapabilities.
if that's even a word.
and life always sucks it's all good


cruzangirlco04 February 3 2005, 17:27:31 UTC
thanks babe. incapablity is a word.


and hell yes life sucks. who cares though I guess.


herbsteer February 4 2005, 07:06:09 UTC
Wow Elisa! You are starting to pull a Olivia-Aaron with your journal entries!
Love, Hayden


cruzangirlco04 February 4 2005, 08:16:56 UTC
hahahha, didn't even notice.

i'm just typing what my mind is thinking i suppose.


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