wooly mammoth?!

Jul 12, 2007 09:00

Some things amaze me, like how they can find a baby wooly mammoth (still in tact, none the less) 10,000 years after it died. Not only will we die, but we will become extinct. Who will find us, when, and in how many thousands of years?

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Comments 2

Baby Woolly Mammoth Find Video anonymous July 15 2007, 07:44:03 UTC
The woolly mammoths lived in a time when the Earth was colder. For some reason, they died---perhaps because of lack of food due to the extreme cold---who knows? But what's interesting is that their carcasses are being found in ice that most likely melted due to warm weather, which may or may not indicate global warming. The mammoths are in a way sending us the message that times are changing and that we, like them, are coming out of the cold and into much warmer times. http://www.thenewsroom.com/details/488183/Science+and+Technology?c_id=wom-bc-ar

- Alvin from The Sci-Tech Desk at TheNewsRoom.com


Re: Baby Woolly Mammoth Find Video cruzangirlco04 July 15 2007, 22:37:16 UTC
thanks for the link


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