[YOU HAVE ALL BEEN KER-TRAPPED DOOR. And are in some sort of room. There's a clearly labeled exit, however, so there's nothing suspicious about this at all. Really! 8|b]
Great, fabulous way to get this started. This is the first day, folks, and we're already off to a rocky start, so I want to lay down some ground rules.
Rule 1 - One vote per a team.
Rule 2 - Every team MUST vote in the suspicion round AND ousting round. Your team is allowed to miss only one ousting.
Rule 3 - There will be consequences given for indecisive voters.
Aaand some other stuff, but you know what? We're late anyway, so I'll explain that even later. There may or may not be a clue tonight, so why don't you all get to know each other while you can?
Poll --ah, a few more points. Create a codename for your team. Don't care what, just do it. Then pick a weapon from the pile if you need/want it. And don't mind that dead body. Later.