Title: Bittersweet
mistress_brittFandom: Underworld
Prompt 8-Tears
Rating: PG-13, for angst.
Charater(s)/Pairing: Kraven/Erika
Word Count 310
Summary: Erika thinks about what she can never truly have.
Warnings: None, I don’t know if vampires can really cry or not, but this is fanfic so what the hell?
Notes: Lyrics by Within Temptation, I can’t get enough of them right now.
If I tell you
Will you listen?
Will you stay?
Will you be here forever?
Never go away?
Erika wondered how many times she would have to tell him that she loved him. Why did he keep trying to get a woman he could not have? Perhaps she should understand since she wanted a man she could never have. Well, she could never fully have him. His heart belonged to Selene, even though Erika fought hard to make it hers.
Her hands trembled slightly as she pulled her hair down from her bun. They still trembled as she picked up her silver brush to comb her locks out. Before she knew it, the thick, wet tears began rolling down her face.
Never thought things would change
Hold me tight
Please don't say again
That you have to go
She didn’t need to breathe due to the fact that she was dead, but still the salty tears burned her throat. They came faster now and she dropped the brush from her hand. It fell onto the floor and echoed throughout the room. She was blinded by her tears and she slumped back in her chair, cradling her face in her hands.
That’s how Kraven found her. Her tiny body was trembling and she was making these heartbreaking sobbing sounds that chilled him to his very bones.
Keep me warm
When you're gone
She didn’t even hear him enter the room. Kraven held her tightly against him. He did care for her, perhaps not as much as he cared for Selene, but he did care for her. He could be cruel and cold; he knew all this. His stroked her blonde hair softly, afraid she might break if he let her go.
All my thoughts are with you forever
Until the day we'll be back together
I will be waiting for you