Fuck that shit. I'm never writing a poem when I'm in that mood again. Gah! Hmph.
I grow bolder with each passing day
My mind still races with the same questions it has held from endlessly so long ago
My curiosity floods from within me, as I try to restrain the rush within me, I struggle
As my soul goes insane, my reasoning denies my movement
Stagnantion is my reward
Hearken onto me and I shall be receptive
My signals are silent as the subtle pulses deep within the ocean
Strength, divine in nature, I summon thee, grant me probability
Under the wide open sky, the well of eternity calls to me
You'll find me illuminating under starlight hues
Meekly trying to hold a gaze with you...
I've lost 12 pounds in a week!!!! I don't have chin fat anymore!! I don't even have to take laxatives to shit whatever I eat right back out, I wake up the next day, it flows out of me. Lol I understand how bulemia works. I haven't done that, I don't want to. I care too much about my teeth and my voice ;.;
But I was so hungry after working my second shift with carlos last night I woofed down food. I was so alert all night, my lower back is killing me. Carlos is awesome, I can talk to him about Religion, Theologies, psychology, love, spirituality, drugs, and all sorts of things! He is very wise. He's familure with greek! Eros and Agape!
Steve has a new girlfriend. I let him in here to shower occasionally. And I let him use the phone to talk to her every now and again. But he does not live here anymore. It's pathetic how he began chasing after every puss he has previously known. He litterally scrambled. I've had my heart set on someone for the past 8 months dispite protest from my reasoning. And I -still- haven't made a move >.> Pssh, I don't understand his desperation for further confusion. He needs to develope on his own. Oh well, best of luck to them.
He seeks relationship. I seek a deep understanding and spiritual connection, adventurous romance, oddball conversation, mystery, growth from one another, lessons, that may one day may build into a love I can understand. Love is one of the mysteries I wish to unlock when I do Salvia. I'm asking my guides to help me.
As for my free time? I have my head in manga, and on my usual oddball subjects. I haven't left the house since Ozzfest... Well sorta hung out at E.B. the other day. I spilt my bubbles!!! *Cries.* :(