Title: Forward the Machine - Chapter 07
Genre: Action/adventure, AT (diverging from mid-CoS)
Rating: R
Summary: (AT diverging from mid-movie): What if the Thule Society hadn’t opened the Gate on that fateful November 8th? What if Alfons Heiderich had yet to fire his rocket? What if Alphonse Elric was still out there searching? And what if Edward
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Comments 8
Lol, now I'm geeking on pseudoscience. Someone hit me with a brick. XP
LOL at Alphonse thinking that Armstrong smelled "porcine" and then later thinking it was an "undeniably human" smell. Pick one, Al, pick one! :)
Al is wearing his brother's pants and shoes, too? Wow, Al, I think that might be taking it too far. Coat and hair style and gloves are one thing, but this. Buy your own clothes!
I love the last line, connecting the words aspirating and aspiration. Brilliant word choices, all through the story. Keep at it.
Heh, sharp eyes! (And a regrettable choice of descriptions on my part XD)
Thank you for the wonderful comment!
that aside, the technobabble was fun to read, and I hope LJ stop hating your word count soon cos I really want to keep reading *_*
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