Title: Forward the Machine - Chapter 07
Genre: Action/adventure, AT (diverging from mid-CoS)
Rating: R
Summary: (AT diverging from mid-movie): What if the Thule Society hadn’t opened the Gate on that fateful November 8th? What if Alfons Heiderich had yet to fire his rocket? What if Alphonse Elric was still out there searching? And what if Edward
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Comments 16
So stoked to read more of this. I get so caught up in the exchanges between Al and Alfons. <33333
And your attention to the scientific details is beyond adorable amazing. 8D
Ok, this is just me trying to piece it all (well, Al's side of it) together. So, we know Al has been some experimenting with alchemy before (hence his arrays), but presumably these pieces of his soul always returned to him (unless I missed a detail). Now, with that accident with the paper, he panicked, experienced a rejection - so at least part of his soul came across the Gate (that would be the 'we are many' part). But then the dream with Alfons. Is that a side-affect on his body, because of a partial rebound or am I totally off track here?
Oh well, as always, the chapter was just brilliant. Yay, for superb character interaction. Lol, and you lost me halfway through you chemical explanation about water softening. ^^ But I don't care, 'cause those details are so great. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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