Ad Libitum Synopsis Pt. 6

Sep 04, 2009 16:02

Yet another entry for the day, ha! But this one is just another update to the Ad Libitum RP synopsis.  This one shows a bit of timing inconsistencies.  Apparently, Rita takes her sweet time getting help after leaving Jade trapped in the mines...

Monster Hunting
Mischief at the Inn
Study Time
Cooking Lessons

Monster Hunting

Genis finally decides to join Ad Libitum, and joins Lloyd on a monster hunting quest. He's excited about fighting alongside his best friend after so long. Lloyd stumbles to the meeting location, explaining that Yuan had him working on mundane quests. He recalls a time when he had to save a cat from a tree for a little girl. Genis double checks his bag for necessary items, gels, magic lenses, etc. He realizes that Raine is rubbing off on him more than he'd realized. Lloyd admits that it feels weird to be the one to explain things to Genis as he explains the process for joining Ad Libitum. Genis warns Lloyd not to get too bored halfway through the quest. Lloyd is so ready to hang out with his best friend again. Genis wonders if there was a better way to deal with the overpopulation of wolves, just as some wolves begin to emerge from the trees. Lloyd immediately draws his swords and rushes into battle. Genis pulls out his kendema and casts Explosion.


Mischief at the Inn

Jay and Arche enter the inn with the intent of pulling pranks on Asch's beloved drunken bastards. Arche hides her glee, wondering what kind of prank Jay would pull. Jay ponders gluing their butts to the seats, or placing something really hot in the seats. Arche suggests using itching powder instead. Jay takes the powder and sprinkles it on the drunkards. The victims soon begin to scratch themselves all over, and scramble out of the inn, vowing to return to "fix Jay for good". Arche reveals that lemon juice is the only thing that will stop the effects of the itching powder, and that water just makes it worse. Jay suggests that they sit down for a meal, and Arche agrees. Jay orders scallops, while Arche orders fried salmon. When Arche wonders when Jay had tied their shoelaces together, Jay replies that it was right before he got sick from her cheesecake. Arche frowns, realizing that they would never let her live that down, even though she promised not to serve anything until she got better. Jay remarks that her chances of getting better are slim and none. But Arche refuses to give up. At that point, their meal arrives. Jay remarks that scallops were a taste of home, and recalls how the Oresoren always waited for him to eat with them. He then explains his back story to Arche, and how the Oresoren had taken him in after Solon had left him to die. Arche remarks that she'd like to meet them if they get summoned here. Jay agrees that the Oresoren would be helpful in gathering information. Once again, Jay wishes that Martel would summon someone else from the Legacy. Arche agrees, as she's the only one from her world as well. Jay wonders if he should talk to Martel. Arche points out that it may be better to wait until Yuan makes a few more visits. Jay moves on, wondering how Jade's investigation is going. Arche is certain that Jade will find something, although she's not so certain that Jade will share any information. Jay is confident that Jade will share his information with him, because Jay had provided some useful information in the past. When Arche becomes curious, Jay has her vow to keep it a secret. Then he reveals that he caught a glimpse of Martel in the World Tree. He and Arche begin to whisper to each other. Arche promises to watch the mana levels when she's near the World Tree.

Jay begins to ponder about the similarities between Atlas and the various worlds he's heard about. Just then, an image of a lake flashes through his mind, courtesy of none other than Nerifes. He explains to Arche that Nerifes is the will of the ocean, and asks if there's a lake near Blessenwood. They decide to visit the lake when they're finished here, but they still want to wait for the drunkards to return.

Cantabile enters the inn, just now noticing the number of Cheagle decorations in the room. She spots Jay sitting at the table, recognizing him as the pipsqueak who had followed Zelos when she had first met him. She immediately approaches him, asking if he is Zelos' friend. Jay admits that he hasn't really met Zelos yet. He remarks on her perceptiveness for noticing him, but then asks if she wanted anything else. Cantabile asks for his name, considering calling him "purple runt." Jay would much rather be addressed by his name. He wonders what Cantabile would do if he stalked her as well, and remarks that she doesn't look too bright. Cantabile reiterates that Jay is a runt, and promises to deal with him as the situation called. Jay wishes her luck if she ever has to deal with him, and Cantabile returns the luck wish. Jay recalls when Cantabile had demanded proof from Zelos that she was in another world, which Jay found laughable, and compares her to Chloe, another strong-willed knight. Cantabile admits that she's losing interest in fighting Jay, and gives him the benefit of the doubt.

Meanwhile, Asch tries to sneak through the bar unnoticed, but manages to trip with his injuries. Jay warns Cantabile that she won't be successful if she tries to kill him. Cantabile then turns her attention to Arche. Jay takes the opportunity to check on Asch. Of course, Asch insists that he's fine, and wonders why Jay and Arche are talking to Cantabile. Jay warns Asch to stop pretending to be fine, as he explains how Cantabile approached him. Asch continues his façade, insisting that he merely tripped over something. He then admits that Cantabile isn't the average foot soldier. Jay takes his word about her abilities, then expresses his dislike towards nobles and soldiers. Asch scowls at him for the remark.

Arche replies to Cantabile, confirming that she's a member of Ad Libitum. Arche admits that they haven't had much progress in getting back home, but they use the guild as a source of income. She also mentions that the villagers don't like the fact that the guild members are involved with the World Tree. Cantabile admits that she already has to watch out for two people - Asch and Jay. She asks if Arche had seen Van, and Arche assumes that Van is a friend. Cantabile laughs at the assumption. Arche then guesses that Cantabile is from Auldrant, and Cantabile asks if there are any more people. She then perks up as Arche mentions Tear's name.

The drunkards return to the inn, grabbing Jay, and attempt to beat him up for his prank. However, Jay easily dodges their attacks, although one of them manages to smash a glass bottle on his head, which doesn't faze him at all. The drunkards get scared and leave again. Jay returns to Arche, attempting to comb the glass out of his hair. Arche offers to help, so Jay hands her the comb. As she combs his hair, she remarks on how soft it is, causing Jay to blush. He then feels uncomfortable as he feels Cantabile's presence. Cantabile leaves the inn to start searching for Tear.

Study Time

Jade is exploring the mines where Asch and Tear had obtained the amethysts from earlier. He stands in front of a pile of boulders that blocked the cave, pondering on how to get past them. Moving them was impossible, and fonic artes posed a risk of another collapse. Rita also happens to be entering the mines in search of gems that would help in her research experiments. She too spots the pile of boulders and starts to leave, but then she spots Jade. Jade uses Splash to break some of the boulders and then addresses Rita. She's curious as to how he can cast spells without a lot of movement. She insists that she's no stranger to life-threatening places, but Jade advises to wait until the scalding water issue is resolved. Then, without breaking stride, Jade asks for Rita's name. Rita introduces herself as a "Genius Mage," which Jade might have laughed at behind his expression. Jade also gives his name and asks if Rita is a member of Ad Libitum. Rita admits that she's heard of him from Arche (and ponders that she had thought that Jade was a woman). Rita claims to be looking for materials for an experiment, but her main priority is joining Ad Libitum. Jade offers to arrange a trial quest for her. Rita points out that she has very important stuff going on at home, and asks to have Arche as her witness. Jade advises against entering the mines, but insists on accompanying Rita if she must enter. Jade suggests that the Ouin branch should be a good fit for Rita, who would take the offer if Ouin has a quiet lab. Jade asks her to call him by his first name, rather than address him formally, but Rita still insists on calling him "Col. Curtiss." She examines the stones that are stuck to the wall. Jade sighs at Rita's insistence to address him formally, but doesn't pursue it further. He pauses, watching the walls for any more leaks or any other strange noises. Rita comments that she might be able to make some make-shift blastia with these materials. Jade is intrigued by the thought, as he watches the pile of boulders behind them, pondering that it could cause trouble if they need to make a quick escape. Rita offers an explanation of how blastia works, and shows him the Bohdi on her neck. Jade ponders how the Bohdi remarkably resembles the capacity cores in his world, and hopes that Rita will introduce her knowledge to Ouin. Rita is reluctant to share the knowledge, as it would be difficult to explain, and the formulas are easy to abuse. The reluctance only heightens Jade's curiosity, but realizes that pressuring her would worsen his chances of obtaining the information. He remarks that the powerful technology can only be trusted in capable hands. Rita feels mildly insulted by the remark, and points out that she's a Blastia Researcher employed by the Empire. Despite this, she agrees that there's no harm in telling him, and that he would understand why she only intends to make minimal use of the knowledge. Jade apologizes for the insult, and adds that he would have doubted her competence had she armed a complete stranger with the knowledge. Jade smiles at the offer of knowledge regardless. Rita explains the blastia cores being made from Apatheia. Jade is satisfied with the explanation, but makes a mental note to study it further in his free time. He then offers to give Rita the trial quest right now.

Rita is confident that she had a way of combating the state in this world by discovering a new energy source. She then eagerly accepts the offer for a trial quest. Jade asks her to investigate the mines with him. Rita goes ahead, thinking back to when she had first met Yuri and the others back home. Yuri had made a joke about Rita leading them to a dark spot and "ZAPPING" them. She then wonders if Jade's plan was to "ZAP" her. Jade notices her staring at him for a moment. Rita insists that she was merely remembering something that happened a long time ago. Jade loves using his singsong voice as it tended to drive others crazy. He then adds that normal people die in the mines and haunt it as vengeful spirits. Rita immediately freaks out, insisting that ghosts don't exist. Jade insists that Rita would be the perfect choice for the exorcisms if they encounter any ghosts. Rita still remains skeptical, but Jade teases her about her nervousness. He then warns her to watch out for the traps that lie ahead. Rita insists that the cave is merely cold. Jade confirms the existence of trap doors by tossing bones onto them. Rita suggests using water artes to reveal the traps, and then creating an ice bridge to get across the traps. Rita casts Aqua Laser to wet the floor, while Jade casts Final Embrace to freeze it. As Jade warns her not to slip, Rita remarks that he's like a little kid. Jade admits that he likes to drive youngsters crazy. Just then, an arrow shatters their lantern. Rita vows to get whoever would keep her away from a discovery. Jade moves forward and cuts yet another arrow that flings at him. Rita ponders using Blade Roll to get through this obstacle. She moves forward, using the spell to protect her from any more arrows. Jade wonders if Aqua Laser and Blade Roll are common spells in her world, and Rita says only she can use Blade Roll.

Jade and Rita come up to a door. Jade consults his book, reading that "Orion" can open the seal. Rita starts to bring out her own book, only to pull out a cat dictionary instead. She quickly hides it from the colonel. At that moment, they both hear a gurgling echo. A monster appears, and Jade prepares by casting Absolute. Rita joins the battle by casting Fireball. Jade casts Thunder Blade, and Rita casts Eruption. Jade remarks that the monster would be interesting to dissect, but doesn't want to frighten Rita away. Jade rushes in with his spear, but gets swatted away. Rita casts an unusual spell, Gold Cat. Jade sits in a daze, musing at his memory loss. Rita yells at him, warning him that she wouldn't carry him if he got hurt, then casts Thunder Blade. Jade begins to cast his mystic arte, Indignation. Rita moves in and whips the monster with her belt. Jade finishes his mystic arte, but it wears him out. He decides to leave the rest of the battle to Rita if the monster survived the attack. Rita is amazed and intimidated at Jade's power, but continues the battle with her own artes. Once the monster is defeated, Jade deems Rita a member of Ad Libitum. Rita smiles, hoping that being a guild member will allow her to gather materials to create useful gadgets.

A ghost-like monster appears from behind the sealed doors, grabbing Jade and pulling him through. Rita freaks out, trying to decide whether to help him, get help, or blow up the door. Jade asks her to submit a quest to Ad Libitum, as some more ghoulish monsters show up to greet him. Rita agrees to submit the quest and leaves the cave.


Fon Master Ion looks up at the World Tree, wondering if he is in heaven. He wonders about Luke, Tear, and Anise. Rita also visits the World Tree, eager to test out her new gadget. The gadget turns out to be useless, so Rita tosses it. She then spots Ion and asks if he needs help. Ion asks if this is heaven, and Rita looks at him suspiciously. Ion then realizes that he is alive. Rita points out that the World Tree likes to pull people from other worlds. When Ion says he's from Auldrant, Rita realizes that she doesn't even know what this world is called. Rita explains that the world is in danger, and she's really eager to stop it so that she can return to her world. Ion starts feeling weak and asks Rita to take him to the nearest town. Rita takes the request and tells him to look for Jade if he has questions. Ion perks up as he recognizes the name. He asks Rita to take him to Jade, but she can't, as she last saw him at the mine.

Meanwhile, Zelos is also at the World Tree for very mysterious reasons. He spots Ion and Rita, remarking on their cuteness. Rita scowls at how Zelos reminds her of Raven, while Zelos thinks he's looking at a younger Sheena. Rita is about to walk out when she notices the gem on Zelos' neck. Zelos refuses to answer and offers a hand to Ion, mistaking him for a girl. Ion asks him not to say bad things about Rita, because she's been helping him. Zelos offers to take Ion to the inn. Ion corrects him about his gender. Zelos freaks out at that point. Ion giggles at the freakout despite himself. Rita is quite amused, but doesn't laugh or anything. She moves on to Blessenwood with Ion in tow. Ion receives the "Dude Looks Like a Lady" title.


Goede is furious about being summoned to Atlas. He growls at the World Tree, wondering why he is there, and music that he wants to go back. He demands for a Descender, but there is no response from the tree. Goede threatens to cast a fiery spell on it. Kratos Aurion arrives at the scene, warning him not to attack the World Tree.

Meanwhile, Jay is at the lake beyond the World Tree, consulting with Nerifes. He sees the images of his mind, the image of the cave with Jade investigating. So Jay decides to wait for Jade's return. The image of the World Tree flashes in Jay's mind, giving him an indication that it's in danger. Jay quickly rushes to the World Tree.

Goede studies Kratos' mana signature, but he's not a Descender. He starts to cast his spell again, but Kratos stops him with a Fireball. Goede is surprised that the attack actually interrupted his spell, and he becomes afraid. He attacks Kratos with his claw again as Jay arrives at the scene. Jay is shocked to see two people that he doesn't know, and thus becomes uncertain of what to do. Kratos dodges Goede's attack and swings his sword at him. Goede throws a move called Phantom Pain. Jay quickly hides behind the trees to devise a strategy. Goede's attack connects, slashing Kratos' arm and chest. The Seraph begins to cast Judgment. Goede senses the power of the spell, wondering why Kratos wants to destroy him. He starts to attack with his claw again, but Jay emerges from the trees and throws his exploding dagger. Goede is knocked down by the attack, and becomes consumed with fury. He launches a blind attack, catching Jay off guard and knocking him out cold. Goede faces Kratos, once again asking why everyone is trying to destroy him. Kratos casts Judgment again, but Goede warps behind him and lashes out with his claw again. Goede crashes from the momentum himself. He then picks himself up and becomes enveloped in a black mist. Goede concludes that this is the world's negativity surging from the World Tree. He could hear the voices of the negativity bombarding him.

Jay regains consciousness and becomes horrified when he sees the black mist, similar to what he had faced on the Legacy. Goede senses that the World Tree is crying. He hears the voices telling him to absorb the negativity and create another him. The black mist moves towards Jay, and Goede casts a wind-based spell to get him out of the way. He then pulls the negativity into the World Tree. He continues the process until he begins to fade, waiting for the negativity to be converted into mana. Both Jay and Kratos rush in to stop Goede, believing that the World Tree will be corrupted. Goede becomes startled as the negativity escapes from his grasp, but he pulls it back into his chest. Jay trips and falls, leaving Kratos to attack. Kratos takes the opportunity to strike with Super Sonic Thrust. Goede feels the pain, but then he sees a light, and feels the mana from Granide. Jay stands up, confused at what just happened. Kratos begins to interrogate Goede. Jay ponders the idea of putting Goede out of his misery, but waits for Goede's response. Goede tells his name and explains that he was only keeping the negativity inside the World Tree to be converted into mana. He adds that it has always been a natural process for the World Tree's ever since the worlds were born. Jay wants to know exactly what Goede is, and Goede says he was born from the negativity. He also adds that he was pulled here by the World Tree. Jay isn't sure whether to believe Goede and asks for Kratos' input. Kratos doesn't want to jump to conclusions without more information. He doesn't think that Goede was brought here by accident alone. He then introduces himself, adding that Yuan has asked him to take command during his absence. Jay agrees with Kratos, musing that the negativity also controls Goede as easily as the reverse. He then awkwardly introduces himself as well.

Goede begins to feel very uncomfortable. He insists that Martel pulled him here. Feeling scared, he begins to scratch the bark of the World Tree. Kratos admits that his world has no Descender, and that one remains to be seen in Atlas. He then warns Goede not to scratch the tree like that. Jay confesses to seeing Martel once as he muses that they're still on their own to find any answers. He then suggests holding a guild meeting to share the events and trade information, and then asks what to do about Goede. Kratos agrees to the guild meeting, but admits there's not much they can do about Goede. Goede becomes overwhelmed with so many emotions and then finally disappears. Jay is worried that Goede could come back and easily destroy the World Tree once they leave. Kratos tells Jay that Yuan left to investigate a matter further, and Jay agrees that it would be a good idea to explore other parts of the world. Then he asks about Kratos' wings. Kratos is reluctant to answer, but Jay tells him not to worry. Kratos only drops a hint that angels have wings and live for long periods. Jay decides not to pursue the matter further, but then suggests the idea of trying to talk to Goede. With his experience with the black mist, Jay believes that he can reach out to him. Kratos decides that it would be best to report what they've seen to the guild. Jay suggests waiting for Jade to return before starting the meeting, and then leaves for Blessenwood.

Cooking Lessons

Genis finally borrows the kitchen from the innkeeper. He decides to start small when teaching Arche how to cook, so he decides to make pasta. He checks his ingredients, making sure he has everything he needs. Arche is excited, hoping that Genis' lessons can make her a better cook, so she can remove her "Terrible Cook" title. Genis asks if she's ever made pasta before. Arche has, but never had a chance to taste it. Genis shows her to boil the water before pouring the pasta in. Arche wonders how to tell when the pasta is done. Genis points out that if the pasta is soft, and then taste-testing it, then it's done. Arche had heard that pasta is done if it sticks to the ceiling. Genis is flabbergasted, wondering where she had heard that from. He then asks if Arche likes tomatoes, and Arche loves them because they're so "tomatoey." Lloyd hates tomatoes, so Genis wants to make sure that Arche isn't the same way. He asks Arche to chop the tomatoes and onions while he gets the saucepan ready. Arche begins to chop the onions which make her eyes water. Genis checks the pasta, noticing that the onions have gotten to Arche. Arche then moves on to cut the tomatoes while Genis looks for the limes. After finding the limes, he squeezes the juice into the pasta sauce. Genis points out that he warmed the olive oil before adding the tomatoes, onions, and limes. Then they wait for the food to be done, and Genis asks what Arche's been up to. Arche has heard more rumors of people appearing in Atlas. Genis has noticed that there are a lot of people from Auldrant, and Arche points out that Yuan has disappeared, and his mana signature is nowhere to be found. Genis knows that Kratos has taken over as the leader. Arche recognizes the name as Lloyd's father. Genis is surprised that Arche knows that. Arche has asked Lloyd about his father before. The pasta finishes cooking, so Genis shuts off the stove. They grab the plates and serve the pasta, and enjoy their meal. Arche wonders what her next cooking lesson will be, so Genis decides on a salad.


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