So it's 1pm. I'm eating lunch. NUM.
Then I gotta get dressed gotta go downstairs gotta go hand out resumes.
My funds are slowly dwindling to literally nothing and it troubles my heart so. I'M FREAKING OUT, MAN. At this point I will scoop the poop out of someone's backyard gosh darn it, I just needs me some incomes!
I went with my Mother and Ryan to Toronto yesterday to meet up with family I haven't seen in well over 6 months. It was a goooood time. We had gone out drinking the night before so poor Ryan was hung over as all get out on the drive there. He was pretty close to blaowing all over the place a few times, but he held it together. Thank goodness he started feeling better about 5 minutes before we got to my Uncle's house. He got to meet quite a bit of my family and he seemed to fit in well/comfortable. It was really nice. Ryan is pretty much the only boyfriend any of my family has ever met, so it was kind of a pinnacle moment in my life to show up with a tall and broad good looking man (with now shorter hair WOO HOO). He was such a good boy for coming a long and humoring me in a way. I know a lot of guys who would cringe at having to meet family, but Ryan was good humoured about it if not down right excited, ha. My family on my Mother's side is pretty laid back and humour based so they're actually fun to be around.
Going out for drinks with Ryan, his buddies, and Nikki was a hell of a good time. We predrank at Ryan's then headed to Ups N Downs afterwards. Andy is hilarious when he's intoxicated. I think it was about 11 different occasions I looked over to find him undoing his pants. What a funny funny man. It was also a mini dream come true that Andy brought his guitar with him to Ryan's. They had a little jam session while we were predrinking. So nice. SO NICE. Being serenaded by two acoustics is full of win. I said I should've brought my guitar to which Andy replied "YES. YES YOU SHOULD HAVE. That would've been epic." Nikki enjoyed herself as well which was great. She found Andy very attractive and was glad I had told her beforehand that he is married with bebes. This saved a lot things from going down ha. We will find her a boy yet!
I'm very happy with Ryan. I'm not used to being with someone who is so caring both mentally and physically. He surprises me every time we're together with his physical attentiveness to me. It makes me fuzzy inside. I can't explain how nice it is to have someone who reciprocates physical attention. SO NICE. I really just figured such a boy didn't exist and that boys were all not touchy unless it was sexual. ASdkjsdf;kasjddbkfaksdnasdahsbd SO NICE. Things have changed around here as of late though so we haven't been able to see each other very much :( trying to squeeze in time when we can.
Nikki moved in last week so my life has changed around a bit. It's definitely awesome having your best friend around all the time to hang out and get into trouble (trouble for me is eating bad food lawls). I think it's a good sign of when we move in together as sooooon as I find a job and save up some incomes. DAMMIT JORB. I have to start getting things ready for OSAP as well. Need to get the whole school ball rolling. Ball of school. Yay yay yay. Actually I am pretty excited to get into massage therapy. I think it will be a great career choice for me. ALSO it will be a great income. EXCITED FOR MONIES YAY.
OKAY, off to hand out resumes. GET OUT THERE AND GOOOOO!