The Answers No One Got, and The PTC and FCC

Feb 20, 2008 19:28


(This is gonna be long)

Before I unfreakingload on some of the stupidest most inane people I've ever seen, Im going to take a moment to provide the answers to the movie quotes no one else got. Congratulations to theanalogkid, phantom4662, and all_my_hues for getting some and to kill_krock for trying.

1. "Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarble, ya eunuch jelly thou!" A Clockwork Orange guessed by theanalogkid

2. "Is that the best you can do? You're gonna have to kill me! 'What do ya do with a drunken sailor? What do ya do with a drunken sailor? What do ya do with a drunken sailor ear-lay in the mor-nin'!" (Answer: The Truman Show. You know. When the director's trying to capsize him in the storm. He yells this out and then starts singing while the storm rages.)

3. "Naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm, and a two-foot salami under the other. The bartender says, I guess you won't be needing a drink. Naked lady says..." (Answer: The Breakfast Club. Yes. Really. It's the joke Bender's saying when he's crawling in the ceiling after escaping the closet. The joke ends there, because he falls through the roof at that moment.)

4. "Most people think Marv is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face. Or in a Roman arena, taking his sword to other gladiators like him. They woulda tossed him girls like Nancy back then." Sin City guessed by phantom4662

5. "Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted." Fight Club guessed by all_my_hues

6. "You know this "Hell on Earth" business? Big fucking deal - I've got hemmorhoids." (Answer: Tales From The Crypt Presents: Demon Knight. Yeah. I knew no one would get that, but I figured why not.)

7. "I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading "Guns and Ammo", masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah. Do you guys do that?" (Answer: SeVen. COME ON PEOPLE. lol. Brad Pitt talking to John Doe as they are driving out to his final act.)

8. "-Your mother ate my dog!
-Not all of it..." (Answer: Dead Alive, aka Braindead. Yeah, I was kinda sure no one would get it.)

9. "Well I was just remembering a limerick. There once was a woman who was quite begat. She had three babies named Nat, Pat, and Tat. She said it was fun in the breeding, but found it was hell in the feeding when she saw there was no tit for Tat." Shoot Em' Up guessed by phantom4662

10. "Smoke! Smoke! Sign of the devil! Sign of the devil! City on fire! City on fire!" (Answer: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. I thought someone might get this. It's sung by a beggar woman seeing smoke rising out of the meat pie shop.)

11. "-They're happy like this.
-No, David. Nobody's happy in a poodle skirt and a sweater set." (Answer: Pleasantville. This one couldve gone either way.)

12. "Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous." V For Vendetta guessed by _theanalogkid

13. "-You're gonna be all right, buddy! Cut him open, let's get this thing!
-CUT ME OPEN! There goes your Christmas gift, Judas!" Evolution guessed by _theanalogkid (Seriously, phantom4662, you'd just SEEN IT two nights prior! lol. I forgive.)

14. "-Uh, whose car is that out front?
-Mine. 1970 Pontiac Firebird. The car I've always wanted and now I have it. I rule!" (Answer: American Beauty. I'm shocked no one got this. More people need to see this movie I guess.)

15. "Suddenly an unconscious Argentinean fell through my roof. He was quickly joined by a dwarf dressed as a nun." Moulin Rouge guessed by all_my_hues

So. now then. to the business at hand. I was surfing the interwebs on my presidents day off(:P seton hall) looking for eps of "Penn and Teller: Bullshit" that I hadnt seen that I could stream. I stumbled onto a list of FCC complaints about said show when I was looking. After that I got curious,
so I went to the site where that had linked from...and found complaints for South Park and Family Guy from about 04-07. P and T: 21 pages or so. South Park and Family Guy? 60+. This mightve passed without me commenting on it, but it reminded me of something: The PTC.

Yes. The PTC: The Parents Television Council. A group which basically sees fit to yell and kick and scream whenever something they find *gasp* objectionable (your meaning may vary) appears on television. On rare occasions, I agree with this. Usually when some dumbass network airs Family Guy at 11AM (ill come back to that). But usually, their heads are so far up their asses I dont know how they can see the screen. Let me explain. Currently they have two major campaigns both of which are ignorant. First, they're mad because, in case you didnt hear, Jane Fonda said "cunt" on the today show. Yes. she said CUNT. C-U-N-T. CUNT CUNT CUNT. (I love the internet). This is of course airing at like 8-10AM. on that basis? id agree. she shouldnt have. But wait. Lets talk Context here. Jane Fonda was not saying..oh i dont know..."The PTC is a massive group of Cunts." She was there to promote that she was going to be in a performance of The Vagina Monologues. When she said "Cunt"? Yeah..thats the NAME OF THE FUCKING PIECE SHE'S PERFORMING! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE SUPPOSED TO DO? SAY "Oh, I'm performing a piece called...uh....the C word?" OR "I'm performing....the VAG?????". ITS THE NAME OF THE PIECE! IF SHE DOESNT SAY IT OR SUBSTITUTES ANOTHER WORD, PEOPLE WONT KNOW WHAT SHES DOING! SERIOUSLY SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEARN SOMETHING ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE MAD ABOUT! If your kid goes "mommy whats a cunt?", TELL HER WHAT THE FUCK IT IS!!!!!

OH but I'm not done with these fuckheads. Not by a long shot. They are also mad at CBS. Because CBS decided during the strike to fill space with the Showtime series Dexter. For those not in the know, Dexter is about a man working for the police (i think san fran, not sure..havent watched my dvd yet). He also has homicidal tendencies. But his father noticed it when he was young and trained him to use such skills and crime solving skills to only kill the serial killers that the cops cant catch. In other words, hes a mercenary anti-hero. He's a deep character. He's a conversation point. But the PTC doesnt like that. Even though its airing at 9PM, during Primetime when FCC says that restrictions are slightly more lenient (i'll be back to that later), the PTC says that airing the show is bad because its gory and has bad langauge. But wait. CBS took out the language and most of the gore. But they're not happy. Cuz thats not why they're mad. They're mad because the show gets you to root for a serial killer. To buy into the idea that its right for him to kill the killers. They hate the ideas. They hate also that its gonna be rated TV-14. They claim 14 year olds to 17 year olds cant handle the ideas. Here's an idea: A) PUT YOUR DAMN KIDS TO SLEEP BEFORE ITS ON, B) DONT WATCH IT, or C) Maybe you could watch an ep. Then youd realize that part of the appeal is that he has to deal with the ethical dilemma. He has to avoid getting caught for his crimes because...shockingly...while the ends are good for society...if he's caught, THE MEANS WONT JUSTIFY IT NECESSARILY. In other words, its not just OH WHEE IM A KILLER MURDER RANDOM DUDE MURDER RANDOM DUDE LOVE ME LOVE ME, YOU STUPID FUCKING MORONS! Plus, with all the FUCKED UP gunplay in schools right now, I think your goddamn TEENAGERS know more about murder and violence than you want them to whether you LIKE IT OR FUCKING NOT regardless of what tv they watch or games they play.

BUT WAIT. THERES MORE! See, The PTC is so fucking POMPOUS...that they have the gall to name a best and worst show of the week. Last week, their best show was Don't Forget the Lyrics. I could comment on that....but I think me discussing just how stupid that show and how Wayne Brady is basically the prepackaged, dumbed-down, white-friendly, little black friend (not meant racistly) wouldnt really help. Nor would mentioning that this week its American Idol, which I personally think is seriously damaging to children....but thats just me. Or that other shows that are rated as green shows appropriate for children are 1 vs. 100 (hosted by bob saget...nuff said there)and Everybody loves raymond(because they NEVER talk sex on that show). No, I'm here to talk about last week's worst show. House. (this week, its Paradise Hotel II, but for the love of GOD. If you're that dumb that you'll let your 9 year old watch it, you deserve the warped kid.) Last week, they were going off on the House episode that involved house discussing sex with his patient's child to try and get info from her on whether her mother lies (the ep claimed they never lied). They were mad because of the clinic patient who house thought was a prostitute who worked in a donkey show but who was actually playing the virgin mary in a nativity play (christmas ep, she rode in on a donkey). They were mad because house proved his diagnosis by squirting breast milk he collected from the mother's leg (long story) into the daughter's mouth. These are legitimate things to get mad about. But first, there's a viewers discretion thing on the show. Second, its been around four seasons. Its well documented house is a horndog. lol. Third, and this is a biggie. DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE WATCHING? House asked the daughter the questions because he needed to know as part of the diagnosis. House wouldnt have sprayed the milk if he hadnt known WHAT THE FUCK IT WAS! The clinic patient was A JOKE PEOPLE. EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN THING YOU WERE MAD ABOUT FIT INTO THE PLOT! But oh no, I'm not finished on this one. See these fucknuts took it upon themselves to claim that the show has started relying on gore and sex because its gotten stale and formulaic rather than being good as it used to be (to them). HELLO! IT'S ALWAYS FORMULAIC. BECAUSE ITS A GOOD FUCKING FORMULA! THATS WHY ALL BUT 1 EPISODE ARE RATED HIGHER THAN 9 OUT OF 10 ON TV.COM. IT'S NOT STALE, BECAUSE I DONT KNOW ABOUT OTHER VIEWERS BUT I DIDNT FUCKING KNOW THAT BREAST CANCER CELLS COULD END UP IN SOMEONES LEG! AND AS FOR JUST GOING GORE NOW???? SEASON ONE IS FILLED WITH PEOPLE COUGHING UP BLOOD. SEASON TWO AND ONWARD HAVE HAD AN EXPLODING TESTICLE, AND A PERSON SHITTING OUT THEIR MOUTH. THIS IS NOT NEW. THIS IS HOUSE YOU IDIOTS. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT FUCKING WATCH IT AND REALLY DONT FUCKING ACT LIKE YOU LIKED THE SHOW ORIGINALLY AND THEN SAY SOMETHING SO FUCKING STUPID ITS LIKE YOU NEVER FUCKING WATCHED THE DAMN THING.

I'm gonna try to make this last bit as fast as possible because I'm not gonna make people read tons more. That FCC stuff. The stuff that reminded me of all this. The major complaint with P and T? Catholics mad that in their Season 4 ep "Holier Than Thou" they debunked the theory that Mother Theresa was a perfect human being. Watch the ep once, its very interesting...they do Dalai Lama and Gandhi too. Idiots, the show has armadas of fact checkers who do everything in their power to put true, provable things on the air. Just because your stupid religious feelings got hurt is not evidence of a wide ranging conspiracy to bash the Catholics and reduce our societal morals. Not to mention..uh...hey...its SHOWTIME ASSHOLES. ITS PAY CABLE. ITS NOT FCC JURISDICTION USUALLY. Not to mention it tends to only air after 10. you know PRIMETIME. LATER THAN HOUSE. And its always rated TV MA. So dont fucking watch it if you dont like it. Now. Family Guy and South Park. Every so often, they're right. Stations shouldnt syndicate it at 11AM and should be careful whats in the ads they play for it during the day. BUT. 90% of you are still idiots. How? Lets see. when all of you are complaining against south park because its showing animated, simulated Gay anal sex, thatd be fine, if it was AIRING BEFORE 10 ON BROADCAST TV SPECIFICALLY. It'd also be fine if you DIDNT KEEP SAYING YOU ONLY DID IT BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE ITS SPREADING THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA AND LIBERAL PLANS. GO FIND YOUR TINFOIL HAT AND SIT IN THE CORNER. But what really got me on South Park...were the three idiots. who got pissed...that Comedy their secret stash...aired The South park movie...uncut, unbleeped....AT 130AM. I DONT GIVE TWO SHITS IF YOUR KID'S STILL UP, A: THEY SHOULDNT BE, B: IT'S WAY OUT OF FEDERAL JURISIDICTION, and C: ITS 130AM! HEY I BET IF YOU STAY TUNED TO HALF THE FUCKING CABLE CHANNELS YOULL SEE A LOT WORSE AT 3 or 4AM WITH THOSE 30-MINUTE GIRLS GONE WILD INFOMERCIALS! And Family Guy....oh Family Guy. Again. It has a parental advisory warning. It's on after sounding like a broken record here. If its syndicated by your network at a bad time, complain to them, not the FCC. Yes, "Prom Night Dumpster Baby" was tasteless. It was also funny as hell if you got the joke. If you don't, then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WATCHING IT AND TRYING TO CONTROL WHAT I WATCH? Yes, the Meg faling in love with Brian storyline was completely disturbing, yes Quagmire and Herbert are massive sex fiends.....WHY ARE YOU WATCHING IT THEN??????? FREEDOM OF CHOICE IS A WONDERFUL THING. USE IT. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT WATCH IT, BUT YOU DONT HAVE A MOTHERFUCKING FREE CHOICE TO POLICE WHAT THE FUCK I'M WATCHING WHEN I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the immortal George Carlin...who has an HBO Comedy special coming up March 1st called "It's Bad For Ya" (plug plug):

"Something else I'm getting tired of in this country is all this stupid bullshit I have to listen to about children. That's all you hear anymore, children: 'help the children, save the children, protect the children.' You know what I say? FUCK THE CHILDREN! FUCK 'EM! Fuck kids; they're getting entirely too much attention.[...] And I also know that all you boring single dads and working moms, who think you're such fuckin' heroes, aren't gonna like this, but somebody's gotta tell you for your own good: your children are overrated and undervalued, and you've turned them into little cult objects. You have a child fetish, and it's not healthy."
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