Seneca Lake Monster

Aug 28, 2010 06:27

Some interesting footage of Seneca, NY's lake monster some are calling "neckie"

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copy-pasted from Cryptomundo

"Sure, it’s probably fake. But I doubt it’s an editing/CGI trick. Because, let’s be honest, if you’re going to fake a monster video, you’d do a better job of it. At 2:14 and 4:25, for instance, Neckie looks like a giraffe suffering from rigor mortis. At 3:53, you’d swear it’s an inner tube being raised out of the water. It should be noted that neither would be an easy task for a diver hovering just beneath the surface.

Maybe the user who posted the video is right: It’s Caddy’s brother. That is, another specimen of Cadborosaurus willsi, aka the Sea Serpent of British Columbia’s Cadboro Bay.

I’m not drawing any conclusions; that would violate my fortean nature. Anyone else care to be the expert? Scott Bowen? Loren Coleman?

And yes, please credit me with naming New York’s newest monster"

full article can be found here

I watched the video and I'll admit it is interesting but I am still skeptical. I don't think there's any use of CGI but  with the usage of the old film effect, I wouldn't rule it out.

By the way I am new to this community and have been fascinated with cryptids since the day I first picked up a book about lake monsters in junior high lol.  I am interested in all of them, but lake and sea monsters are what fascinate me the most. =D

anyways happy to be here, hello to everyone!

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