The biggest art dump I have ever done. Haha, but these are all stuff I did this month. And the all happend to be Bleach. Accident I swear. >_< A lot of are sketchy because I like sketchy... that and I'm lazy to make the linear nice. XD
All rated PG, yo. Extremely image heavy like whoa.
Comic--RenjixIchigo )
Comments 10
And I *think* I've seen all of these already? Maybe not. Either way, you know I always love your stuff and NON-ANIMEISH ORIHIME IS SO PRETTY!!
Thank you! She's my fav out of this whole art dump. X3
LOL, you know you love wanker Ichi. XDD;;
You're welcome!! I can't stop scrolling up & looking at her. *glomps*
HAHA! But of course! You so know it's the only action he gets.. Besides being seduced in art notes' margins.
And haha, your comic XDD They're so adorable!!
And with the two Ichigo drawings, the one with the rough sketch and then the coloured on, I like the rougher one too. It's a nice angle and the movement of it is really good ^^ I like that one a lot!
Haha, it was rather random when I did that. Ichigo looks so adorable pointing.
Why thank you! I love the movement of it as well. I think drawing angles like that are fun. Like my Ichigo in the rain... I love the perspective. ♥_♥
I know XD Ichigo is all -pointz- So cute 8D
Hehe, I need to work on my angles more~ I haven't kept up with my drawing lately ;_;
The first one is so adorable.
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