So I was tagged by to write 10 facts about Rosaline, Victoria, and Alexandra. This was a lot fun to write, and oh yes I am posting this had like 6:55 AM because I wanted to do it before I leave for work, so I apologize ahead of time for minor spelling errors or what not that I may have missed.
Rosaline Loving
1. Rosaline's favorite color is black (which I'm sure is evident based of her clothes), because she finds the color comforting and knows that it easily allows her to blend in with her surroundings. She also likes how it is a complete contrast to her older sister's color pink.
2. She hates crowds more than anything and will do her best to avoid them. She's not necessarily what you would call anti-social, but she is the type of person whose energy is drained rather than lifted by other people.
3. Her older sister Juliet used to be her favorite person in the world until she grew up herself and saw that she had no desire to be anything like her. She can say today that she loves her sister, but sort of finds her fairytale life a little nauseating.
4. Rosaline loves ballet. It's not something that dominates her life by any means, but whenever she finds the time she loves to practice it.
5. Rosaline has never really completely known who she is, and she still doesn't fully. She is one
of those people who need someone else to complete them. (A lot of this has to do with the fact that I myself was unsure of who I wanted Rosaline to be for the longest time. It really wasn't until about halfway threw her teen years that I sort of had a grasp on her)
6. Sometimes it creeps her out that she was named after a character who chose to live a life of complete celibacy.
7. The fact that she was the only one in her family not to get engaged in college bothers her more than she led on.
8. Rosaline really wants kids though her limit is two, and she would prefer one of each gender.
9. Rosaline has never admitted out loud that she's been In love with Ethan her whole life, but deep down she knows she is which is why every time she saw him with Katerina it just killed her a little bit inside. Rosaline still is unsure despite now having Ronan, if she will ever fully be able to get over him. (Which should all come into play next chapter which when my computer comes back from some factory will come out)
10. She would never admit this to her sister, but Rosaline is a major sucker for sappy love novels and has spent multiple late nights crying over them.
Victoria London
1. Let's start with the obvious that Victoria's main focus in life is to have fun, nothing has every really seemed much more important to her.
2. Victoria doesn't every trust anyone until they prove to her that they are trustworthy.
3. The only person she will tolerate hugs from is Juliet, Renaud, and occasionally Alexandra if she initiates it. Not even her parents are allowed to hug her.
4. She still to this day has not told her parents about the party she threw when they were away as a teen, and they continue to be clueless about it.
5. Victoria never really takes others peoples feeling into consideration. She finds that moping
about things is a waste of time. Though if she really sees she has hurt someone she loves, she will try her best to sympathize, though she sort of sucks at that so really it's best if she just ignores them for awhile until they cool down.
6. Victoria cares about her family and Renaud more than she ever leads on, she just never wants to come under the impression of being "soft".
7. Garden gnomes freak her out, she's not really sure why, but they do. She refuses to go within 5 feet of them.
8. Commitment also freaks her out. Even though she loves Renaud, the thought of marrying him just scares her as she believes that marriage would be the end to any freedom she has.
9. She never wants to be a mother as that would really freak her out as well, because she knows she would have no idea what to do.
10. She actually finds her sister's powers really cool despite being weirded out by them at first, though if Alexandra ever puts the chicken spell on her again, she may have to resolve to some unethical measures.
Alexandra (London) Phoenix
1. Alexandra loves bright colors because they make her happy.
2. She has never cared what people think about her and still doesn't. As long as she has been happy with herself, others opinions don't matter.
3. She has always wanted to become a supernatural creature since she was a kid as they have always more than fascinated her. Her first choice was always to become a witch, though if that hadn't worked out, she would have become a planetsim. She has found vampires and werewolves a little overrated ever since the Twilight craze exploded.
4. She is probably the worst popularity sim ever having never rolled a want for a party in her life. Her secondary aspiration of knowledge sort of dominates her, though she does enjoy other
people to a certain extent.
5. If she happened to be able to watch non sim TV where the most exciting thing consists of her Pleasant twins slapping each other over pizza or something, her favorite show would be Doctor Who because it contains all of her favorite elements. Plus who doesn't love a show about a
doctor traveling in 1950s police booth right? Okay so Victoria would probably disagree with that
but whatever, Victoria has never intimidated Alexandra anyway.
6. Having 10 nice points Alexandra is of course super nice, though this should never be confused for being a pushover because Alexandra knows better than to put up with crap. Plus Alexandra sort of has the ability to send you to the middle of nowhere where you may be unable to escape, so messing with her is probably not the best idea.
7. Alexandra never uses her magic for evil other than the occasional force Victoria to do the chicken dance, and cheat at Don't Wake the Llama with Jimmy, but those are both for good reason.
8. When she first met Jimmy she was scared for her life that he would ruin her secret. She never thought in a million years that she would fall in love with him, but now she can't even picture her life without him. (Yeah don't you love when it gets all cheesy)
9. She really wishes unicorns were real.
10. She is secretly scared to death about Layla coming back as she knows that her getting rid of Layla was by pure accident and is unsure if she will ever be able to do it again. She will do whatever it takes to protect her family if she does though.
This was so much fun to write, and since I have seen this meme more times than I can count around here I won't tag anyone else to avoid extreme repetition, though they have all been so fun to read. Just if there is any character someone really wanted to do but never got the chance, consider yourself tagged.