Mar 08, 2006 15:28

Dad is coming to pick me up soon.
In case you're wondering - yes, i am putting these up in an attempt to shock everybody and to receive a lot of concerned comments. Yes, i do want to people to run around me and try to check me into a hospital. I want people to be concerned and yes, this is a cry for attention. I am a sick, manipulating, rejected, hurt, overwhelmed, depressed, spoiled, ugly, fat and annoying girl that just wants to scream and scream and scream until she gets things her way. Deal with it. Because i can't. I've spent the day cutting, screaming into the pillow, drinking and crying my head off. I've spent an extended period of time on the phone with Irina who did manage to calm me down somewhat and convince me to put away the knife and call my dad. He was very concerned and said - "i'm dropping everything right now and coming to you". I told him that it's ok, i can manage until he's done with work. And then he told me - "we'll get through this, we've always gotten through everything, we are with you and I LOVE YOU". "i love you too, dad". God allmighty, i am so greateful that there is a person in the world that will drop everything and forget everything and run to help me when i call. I am so greateful for that and i'm such a bitch for not appreciating that and for trying to get those words and actions out of somebody who doesn't want to say them. I can't force people to care for me. My dad is my hero.

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