I like the way my hair looks when i wake up ;).
I am happy and i am pretty. Yesterday i have received lots of compliments from my parents guests. Everyone was saying that i look very pretty, that the new hair suits me very well. Nelya told me that i have changed for the best. Tamara Gavrilovna said that the way i looked was very feminine and complimented my make up. Ira Berdichevskaya (Michael's mom), hugged me and told me that i am just such a sweet and pretty young lady. Ira is funny, cool and very young in spirit. In short, i felt very good about myself. And yet i almost slipped and binged. I think it was due to the fact that i was around food basically all day long. I was helping Anfisa cook and set the table, and then we have been sitting around the damn table practically the whole night, so looking and smelling food for such a long time stressed me out. But i am actually very proud of the way i've handled it. I just kept calming myself down, and i managed to not freak out majorly even after i ate 2 servings of cake and a few cookies. After breakfast today, the scale showed 127.4 lb. So, i'm good.
A drunk Scott called me at three o'clock in the morning ;). So we talked, and he was rather incomprehensible, but then i dreamed about him the whole night. I dreamed that he was speaking russian (!??), but his russian wasn't fluent, so i was speaking russian to him on purpose, so that he will get to practice. We were at some kind of concert, and the performer was singing a familiar song, but i don't remember which one was it. The first song was ok, but then it became bad, and they had some kind of kids performance, so we didn't like it any more and left. And then we were making out for a long time :-P. It was very sexy and passionate. *Sigh*.
We talked again this morning and sort of talked thing over and decided that we are just going to take it easy and try not to freak each other out any more. We also agreed that we both miss each other. Anyways... this is making me feel a lot better. Maybe he will even come visit me soon.
AAAAnd, i have also just discovered the rich text editor option in here... yeah, i'm very slow. I also only recently discovered how to set different userpics for different posts. Now i can write in different colors.
Anyways... i'm going to eat lunch now, and then maybe go do some grocery shopping and take a walk. There's still hope for me.
P.S. - GRRRRR!!!! The rich text editor SUCKS!!! It's confusing me. I'll just stick to HTML codes.