STARGATES FRIENDING MEME!With the 3rd season finale of Atlantis aired and the 10th season of SG-1 on it's way I realized I really needed more Stargate fans on my flist to squee with about these two awesome shows. So I'm spreading the love
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Comments 1641
Age: 20
SGA or SG-1? Both!
Favorite characters? I love McKay to no end, Daniel, Vala, Sheppard, Jack... hell, everybody!
Favorite ships? MCSHEP(!), Jack/Daniel, Ronon/Teyla, Daniel/Vala, Daniel/Cam...
Other fandoms/ships/etc..? House MD (House/Wilson), Supernatural (Sam/Dean), The Office (Jim/Pam), Torchwood, Prison Break, Lost, CSI NY, Firefly, The X-Files.
What's in your journal? Mostly fandom babble, lots of slash and a bit of rl.
Anything Else: I love making new friends just as obsessed as me. :D Also, get your pimping on! :D
(and lol your icon totally cracked me up. :D)
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Age: 20.
SGA or SG-1? SGA, bb.
Favorite characters? McKay handsdown, number one ♥ And well, I just love all the characters in general really.
Favorite ships? Hm...
Other fandoms/ships/etc..? Doctor Who, Six/Peri, Five/Tegan, Five/Nyssa, Seven/Ace... etc, etc... I love old school DW :P And the new of course.
What's in your journal? Real life stuff, TV series pondering and reviewing.
Anything Else: I need more people to discuss SGA with. D: Never get to squee properly after an episode!
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And I love your Jamie/Two vid btw, Happy Together. Man, can't wait until I see Two's eps, still watching Five's. :D
So yeah, don't mind :D *friends back*
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If you want, send me email to infinimato at livejournal and i'll send you a hysterical UFO vid i found on the net *years* ago. I wish I could find out who did it, becuase it's priceless. Apparently someone redid the theme as DISCO and the video... oh boy. It's a blast. (it's also in Quicktime format.)
There's also this, on YouTube. The video itself is meh, but the theme remake is way cool. Someone asked about it and they said it'd be available at somepoint.
And I *so* need a UFO icon. And a space:1999 icon. And a buckaroo banzaii icon... and.... :-)
Age: 22
SGA or SG-1? both! (although, tbh, SGA more XD)
Favorite characters? Sheppard, McKay, Jack, Ronon.. and Zelenka :p
Favorite ships? Hmmm... McShep first and foremost, I'd say, then Ronon/Teyla.
Other fandoms/ships/etc..? Supernatural, Prison Break, a bunch of anime fandoms, The Pretender, X-Files, Haunted...
What's in your journal? fic (sometimes), some squeeing, some ranting, art, icons.. and a lot of randomness.
Anything Else: I am a french girl who was born in Denmark and lives in London. Therefore my LJ is home to many random encounters (and yes, I am a gamer. and not ashamed of it. XD) I am, however, lacking in people to fangirl SGA with ;____;
What games do you play? *thinks back to eppy The Game*
Erm, let's see.. I play Deadlands and Exalted mostly, and I run Shadowrun, but I've experimented with a few others, like Paranoia, Cyberpunk, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, etc.
Also, your icon is adorable *drools*
SPN is love.
AND OMG you watched The Pretender???? No one I know has any idea what I'm talking about! Isn't it fantastic??? I love that show so much!
Friends? I would love more people to fangirl SGA with as well!
Age: 19 (will be 20 at the end of the month)
SGA or SG-1? Both, but I like Atlantis best.
Favorite characters? McKay, Sheppard, Teyla, Janet, Jack, Sam...
Favorite ships? MCSHEP!!!, Jack/Sam, Daniel/Vala
Other fandoms/ships/etc..? Bones, BSG (a little), CSI, Without a Trace
What's in your journal? personal, memes, show discussion, occasional snippets of my writing
Anything Else: not that I can think of
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And I adore your icon, btw. Friends?
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