Another Meme

Oct 23, 2012 14:30

Post a picture of you?:
Your Favorite Song At The Moment: Diamonds by Rhianna 
Do you support gay marriage: Yes
Singer or Band you most enjoy: Katy Perry
Favorite Book?: Fifty Shades of Grey
Do you like to dance: Sometimes
How long have you had a lj?: Long
What is your favorite TV show?: The Vampire Diaries
Day or night?: Night
Chocolate white or brown: Brown
A fear?: Alligators 
A dream?: IDK
Are you in love?: Yes
Have you ever used drugs?: No
Have you been drinking?: I have drink but I can`t right now
Ever smoked?: Yes 
Are you still a virgin: No
Who is your favorite actor: Robert Pattinson 
What is your sexual orientation?: Straight 
What is the name of the guy your with (if your not single): adam
Your age?: 29
Have a favorite sport? If yes, which one?: Hockey & Wrestling
Have any scars?: No
Like chocolate?: Yes
Dogs or Cats?: Cats
If you are female, ever kissed someone of the same sex?: Yes
A song that makes you remember someone?: The Reason by Hoobastank 
Your favorite music?: Rock, Pop, Country & Rap
A special person?: adam 
Have you been involved in a fight?: Yes
Which letter of the alphabet you like best?: R for Robert
Like to read? If yes, what is your favorite book?: I just finish reading fifty shades of grey 
Your favorite food: I love A&W 
Have a pet?: Yes a cat name Panda Bear

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