Character Question Meme Answers!

Apr 05, 2006 21:53

Thanks to all you guys that submitted questions and played along. It was totally fun. And you know what I learned? Lots of people use the same number combinations for questions. It's freaky!

01) Pacey Witter; Dawson's Creek
02) Tony Almeida; 24
03) Mal Reynolds; Firefly
04) Brian Kinney; Queer as Folk
05) Dean Winchester; Supernatural
06) Doug Witter; Dawson's Creek
07) Dr. Cox; Scrubs
08) Jack Shepard; Lost
09) Michel Gerard; Gilmore Girls
10) Jack Bauer; 24
11) Robert Barone; Everybody Love Raymond
12) Clark Kent; Smallville
13) Robert "Rocket" Romano; ER
14) Marshall Flinkman; Alias
15) Jayne Cobb; Firefly

01) If 7 were to dye their hair an outrageous colour (ie. bright pink or orange), what colour would they choose? (Dr. Cox)

Well, we know he was once platinum blond in his youth, but now? I think he'd rock out in electric blue. Big, electric blue, floppy curls. It'd be awesome, hee!

02) 2 and 13 run off together into the sunset. What do they eat for breakfasts in bed? (Tony Almeida & Robert Romano)

First off? I'll never quit laughing at the image of this in my head. Never. Never, ever. Any day I'm feeling sad and need to laugh? This is what I'll think of. Hee! But as to the question, I think they'd have a big country breakfast. Hashbrowns, bacon, ham, oatmeal. The works. No pancakes though. Romano for some reason has an irrational fear of them. Wonder why?

03) 4, 5, and 11 jell-o wrestle. Describe the events that follow and who wins. (Brian Kinney, Dean Winchester, Robert Barone)

Well, it's pretty hilarious. They're all into it, wanting to win. But then Brian sees some twinkie in the corner and he bails, and then Robert just pins Dean down. I mean, really, poor little Dean wouldn't stand much of a chance next to Robert. He's a giant!

04) 2 & 6 get into a fist fight? Who beats who up? Why did they fight in the first place. (Tony Almeida and Doug Witter)

Well, Tony would obviously win. He's a certified instructor of Krav Maga, after all. The reason for the fight in the first place was that Tony overheard Pacey teasing Doug about some guy named Back Jauer he slept with last night. Tony, in town to visit his "dead, but really only deeply undercover" boyfriend in Capeside, overhears this, and in a jealous rage, attacks Doug right there in the middle of the street.

05) If 7 & 13 were both drowning and you could only save one, who would you save? (Dr. Cox and Robert Romano)

Oh, how tough! Two snarky docs I totally adore. I think I'd save Romano, though. He's been through enough trauma. He deserves a break.

06) 7 has invited 12 over for a home made dinner. What does 7 decide to make? (Dr. Cox and Clark Kent)

Steaks and baked potatoes on the outdoor grill. With beer. Lots of beer. (Cox has to convice Clark to drink with him, even if it doesn't effect him.) They watch the game, shoot the shit, and Clark has a great time because nobody's trying to find out his secret.

07) 3 gets to use 8 as a slave for one day. What does (s)he have him/her do? (Mal Reynolds and Jack Shepard)

Mal wouldn't believe in slavery (it's such an Alliance thing to do) but he'd put Jack to work on Serenity as an additional medic. For pay, of course. Freaky enough, this is (sorta) like the basis of a Firefly/Lost crossover fic I've worked on for fun. So it kinda creeps me out that these two characters were picked for the question, lol!

08) If 12 was placed in a tank of sharks with 7, who would end out first? (Clark Kent and Dr. Cox)

Well, Lex would have put lasers on the sharks heads to try and (injure or save, you pick) Clark, but they wouldn't hurt him, nor would the sharks, so Cox would die first.

09) What drink would 8 order at a bar? (Jack Shephard)

He's SO not picky, alcohol is alcohol. He loves it all. But this time he'd order Screwdriver.

10) 2 and 6 are in a food fight. Who started it? What did they throw first? And why does 10 have soup in their hair? (Tony Almeida, Doug Witter & Jack Bauer)

Well (see: question 4 for the backstory) after the police department straightened out the fist fight mess, Tony decided to grab a bite to eat at a little place called "The Icehouse". Little did he know that the man he was JUST fighting with's brother owns the place. Of all the luck! About that time Doug strolls in, his hotheaded temper gets the best of him, and he throws a hotroll at Tony's his head. Just then Jack Bauer walks in! Annoyed, that he's the manwhore responisble for it all, Tony dumps his split pea soup right over Jack's head.

11) If all these people were at a bar would: 11 and 4 have a good shag in the bathroom? (Brian Kinney & Robert Barone) 7 and 5 end up clawing each others eyes out over a guy? (Dean and Dr. Cox) 9 and 1 get kicked out for causing a riot and become the best of friends? (Pacey Witter & Michel Gerard)

Well, it is Brian Kinney we're talking about here, so it's always a possibility that shagging would be involved. // Dean and Dr. Cox would only claw each other's eyes out if Dean was picking on J.D. - that's Cox's territory and he'd claim it as such. // Pacey can make nice with anyone, he was friends with Dawson Leery for god's sake, so I'm sure it could totally happen!

12) If 6 and 10 were going to rob a bank, who would be most likely to get caught? (Doug Witter or Jack Bauer)

Doug. But it'd just be a Capeside bank, and since he's the golden son, he'd get by with getting caught. They love him that much.

13) If 3 and 8 went to a restaurant together, who would pay for the food? (Mal Reynolds or Jack Shepard)

Jack, he has more money. But Mal would offer, because he's a good man.

14) The fans are demanding that 3, 6, and 10 each get their own spinoffs - or there will be RIOTS! However, there's only one timeslot available and it's for a half-hour sitcom. What premise do TPTB use to get these three characters on one show? What's the title? (Mal Reynolds, Doug Witter and Jack Bauer)

The title of their show is "Big Guns" and it's about three mixed personalities running a private security company. Mal, the gunslinger from the future that was tossed back in time to this century. Doug, the gay Sheriff. And Jack Bauer, the rogue, surly agent kicked out of his former agency. Together, they can fight crime and change the world!

15) Out of 3, 8, and 11, who would be most likely to go skydiving? Who would chicken out and/or pee his/her pants? (Mal Reynolds, Jack Shephard & Robert Barone)

Mal would totally do it. Jack probably would too. Robert? Robert would totally chicken out. But then Raymond would push him out of the plane anyway, hense the peeing of the pants. Hee!

16) If 6 had to choose a bestest friend, would it be 2, 3, 9, or 14? What would their slumber parties consist of? (Doug Witter // Tony Almeida, Mal Reynolds, Michel Gerard or Marshall Flinkman)

He'd pick Mal. Mal's slashy, so there's a chance it could be something more at their slumber parties, hehe, but mainly they're both funny, yet have serious sides. They could totally be BFFs.

17) Where will 5 be in 10 years? (Dean Winchester)

Travellin' the road. Kicking ass and taking names.

18) If 2, 6, 11 and 14 were a group of superheroes (like the Fantastic Four) what would their superpowers be, and what would they be named (as a group and/or as individuals). (Tony Almeida, Doug Witter, Robert Barone & Marshall Flinkman)

As a group they're Fighting Angry Team of Incensed Government Underpaid Employees better known as F.A.T.I.G.U.E.

Tony Almeida a.k.a. Le Patch de Soul - He can convince you to commit treason aganist your country, with a single look at his "le patch de soul".
Doug Witter a.k.a. Agent Butterflies - He is the keeper of the butterflies. He despenses them to THE WORLD for the greater good. That's why he knows so much about them.
Robert Barone a.k.a. Rayhater McGiant - He can get your to turn on any member of your family. Especially your brother, just by lowering his voice an octave.
Marshall Flinkman a.k.a. Colonel SuperSwankyPants - He can visualize any high-tech creation in his mind's eye, and BAM! There it is in your hand, ready to go.

19)There's a game of Capture the Flag with the even numbers against the odds.

1. Who gets injured first on the odds team? - Michel Gerard. He'd be injured before it even started somehow.
2. Which team wins? - Evens. The evens have Clark, and we all know he's super, but the clencher is Jack Bauer. Jack Bauer doesn't lose.
3. Who would like to slap 11? - Dr. Cox. He just likes to slap people.
4. 3 loses a shoe and can't find it, what does s/he say? - "Gorramit, who stole my ai ya shoe? Jayne?!"
5. 7 accidently gropes 14, what happens next? - Marshall blushes, and stammers as he apologizes for being in the way of Cox's hand.
6. Who takes off their shirt first? - Jayne Cobb. He's probably removed his pants too.
7. 3 loses a sock, what does s/he say now? "Nee ta ma duh. Tyen-shia suo-yo duh run doh gai si! Rutting hell, Jayne?!"

20) If 3 and 7 were in a hot air balloon that was going to crash unless its weight was lessened, how would they react? Would 3 throw 7 off? Would 7 be heroic and choose to jump off? Would they come up with another solution completely? (Mal Reynolds and Dr. Cox)

If there was a cashy money job involved, Mal would through him over in a heartbeat. He has to complete the job. Cox would never just jump off, he's not that heroic. But if it wasn't for a job, I think they'd just use some of the HOT AIR they're both so filled with to keep it afloat!

21) Numbers 6 and 7 were dating, but they broke up. Why did they split? (Doug Witter and Dr. Cox)

Cox wasn't nice enough to Doug. Doug needs sweetness, not piss and vinegar, hee!

22) 7, 9, 10, 11, and 13 are trapped with snakes on a plane. How do they react? Who lives, who dies, and who kicks some motherfuckin' snake ass? (Dr. Cox, Michel, Jack Bauer, Robert Barone and Robert Romano)

Well, Jack Bauer is obviously gonna kick some motherfuckin' snake ass. Michel would die, and Romano would barely survive. Dr. Cox would just sit and mock the motherfuckin' snakes, and Robert would be very gloomy that he has to deal with them at all. But Jack Bauer would take care of the problem with mere seconds to spare.

23) 7 and 10 are in middle of huge argument. Fists are about to fly so 3 tries to intervene, are they successful in stopping the fight? If not, who would win the fight - 7 or 10? (Dr. Cox and Jack Bauer; Brian Kinney)

Brian wouldn't intervene more than just saying something like, "Yo, bitches, tear each other's hair out later." and that really wouldn't calm either of them down, so Jack would beat Cox's ass, and then beat Brian's ass for being so unhelpful.

24) 2 is creating the perfect mate using the body parts of 4, 11, 13, and 15. Whose head is 2 using? Whose mouth? Eyes? Body? (Tony Almeida; Body Parts: Brian Kinney, Robert Barone, Rocket Romano & Jayne Cobb)

First off, Tony, I'm starting to question your sanity, my love. Heh. But if he has his heart set on the project, it'd go like this: Brian's head, Jayne's mouth, Romano's eyes and Robert's body.

25) 1 is starting a crack commando unit turned renegade (like the A-Team), helping the helpless etc. Joining him/her are 3, 6, 7, 9, and 10. What are their specialties? Who is the loose cannon? Who is the double agent? (Pacey Witter; Mal Reynolds, Doug Witter, Dr. Cox, Michel Gerard & Jack Bauer)

Pacey! You sly devil, starting such a thing, hehehe. Well, his right-hand man would be Doug, obviously, his big brother. Mal would be the gun. Michel, the snarky sidekick. Dr. Cox, the brains of the operation, but the loose cannon, so you have to walk a fine line around him. And Jack Bauer would be the rogue, double agent, the big ass!

26) 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Recast them as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. (Tony, Dean, Dr. Jack, Jack Bauer, Clark Kent, Robert Romano, Marshall & Jayne)

Snow White: Robert Romano
Grumpy: Jack Bauer
Sleepy: Jayne Cobb
Doc: Jack Shephard
Dopey: Clark Kent
Bashful: Marshall Flinkman
Sneezy: Tony Almeida
Happy: Dean Winchester

27) Where would 2 and 14 go on their first date? (Tony Almeida & Marshall Flinkman)

The high-tech, plasma TV screens/video games for tables, restaurant that Chris wanted to build on Freddie. Why? Marshall would LOVE it, and it would be in Chicago, so they could hit a Cubs game afterwards, which would make Tony happy.

28) 9 & 15 are having a fight in 4's living room. What are they arguing about? (Michel Gerard and Jayne Cobb; Dean's Place)

Michel thinks Jayne is an idiot, and he cannot put with him anymore today. Dean would smooth it over as best he could, by seperating them.

29) What song would describe the potential relationship between 2 and 7? (Tony Almeida and Dr. Cox)

"Doctor, Doctor". Dr. Cox would totally love to study Tony's super-fast healing abilities.

30) 1 and 15 are having a party. Who do they invite and why? And what's the theme of their party? (Pacey Witter and Jayne Cobb)

They invite everyone! They're freiendly boys. And the theme would have to be food. Lots and lots of food. Pacey cooking it, Jayne eating it. It's what made them friends in the first place.

31) 1, 9 and 13 are caught in a love triangle. Only 3 can resolve this. How do they do it? (Pacey Witter, Michel Gerard, Rocket Romano; Mal Reynolds)

Well, Pacey is an expert on love triangles, so when Mal tries to smooth over the situation Pacey just gracefully bows out, letting the other two have each other. He wants no part of any triangles, ever again.

32) If you had to use 9, 3 & 12 in a nursery rhyme how would it go? (Mal, Michel and Clark)

LMFAO, I have *no* idea. Something about Frenchmen, superness and thievery, I'd wager.

33) What kind of animal would you say #7 reminds you of? (Dr. Cox)

A bulldog. One that would bark and bark and BARK at you, then growl for an hour, before licking your hand and curling up by your side for a short burst of kindness before the whole song and dance started over again.

34) If #3, 5, 9, & 14 were on a reality show, what would the premise be? Who would hook up [I am aware you're probably going to put mostly men, lol] and who would brawl? (Mal, Dean, Michel & Marshall.)

Ha! Me choose mostly all men? Never! Hee! But it would be sort of a Surreal Life house, except not for famous people. Michel would hate them all for being so stupid, and scream at them endlessly. Marshall would be fun and build cool toys that would impress them all. (Yes, even Michel, but he'd pretend to hate them.) And Mal and Dean would hook up once after a night of drinking.

35) #2 and 15 are running against each other in an election. Who would get your vote? What would their platforms be? (Tony Almeida and Jayne Cobb)

Jayne's platform would be for more guns. Shooting people wouldn't be illegal, and he'd run the country with a heavy gun hand. Tony would be for less days he has to work with Jack Bauer. Friend or not, that dude is trouble. And he'd be all for reduced sentences for people who commit treason out of love. It's LOVE, people. LOVE!

Tony would totally get my vote. I love Jayne so very much, but he has no business being in any kind of public office. ("She was in Congress?") I don't know that Tony would do so hot either, (he seems better fitted for working the situations at hand, not being desk, big descision making, political guy) but he'd be WAY better than Jayne.

Fun. We'll maybe have to do it again sometime. :)


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